Chapter 8

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I finally get through with the questions and with nothing else to do I get up to head out.

"Wait! Aren't you going to let me down?" Asher asks me. I sigh but walk over and slowly lower him down to where he's able to sit on the floor comfortably.

"I'm not unhooking you. I'm going to let father do that when he comes in." I tell him as I put the binder up in the drawer. When I turn back around Cole is sitting beside Asher again cuddled up close to him. I see Cole whisper something to his older brother while still keeping his eyes on me.

"He said he's hungry." Asher tells me. Ugh this is going to be even harder with someone as young as him here. Normally I just shrug it off and ignore anyone who says that but for some reason I couldn't just ignore him.

"Father usually doesn't let anyone have anything within the first week." I tell them, "but... I'll see what I can do." I add on when I see tears welling up in Cole's eyes.

"I wanna go home. I want mommy!" Cole whines as he snuggles closer to Asher.

"Shh I know baby. I know." Asher cooed to the little boy while petting his head.

"We will get out of here you know. One way or another and when we do you'll go to jail just like your father." Asher threatened me. I just roll my eye and don't answer him. The best thing to do is show no emotion. I head out to leave but again I'm stopped.

"Wait!" Asher stops me.

I sigh before turning back around and just stared at him.

"Please at least let Cole go. He's just a little kid!" He begs me. I decide to ignore him this time instead of answering. I don't know what he thinks I could do. Even if I let them out of the shed they wouldn't make it very far and then I'd be in trouble for letting them out. I turn and finally leave this time ignoring his pleas as I walk out.

I make it back to the house and since I'm done with all my chores I pull a book back off the shelf and head outside to read. Since there aren't any houses near it's pretty peaceful out here. Except for the bugs! I absolutely hate bugs! Especially the mosquitoes. Everytime I walk outside they attack my arms and legs making me itch like crazy but the itch was worth it to be out of the house. I sit down and begin my book and before I know it I'm dosing off into a peaceful sleep.

I get woke up by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Crap! Fathers home already! I run inside and quickly grab stuff out of the pantry acting like I've been busy this whole time. Since it's so late I'll probably just heat up some soup and make some cornbread. As I'm putting the soup in a pot I hear the front door open and shut and then hear footsteps going up the stairs. Like always just as I'm getting the food set on the table he's coming down the stairs. He motions for me to sit and we begin eating.

"Did you check on the newbies today?" He asks as he blows on his soup to cool it down.

"Yes sir." I answer as I dip my cornbread in my soup. The table returns to silence as we both eat. After a few minutes I decide to just go ahead and ask my questions. He seems in a pretty good mood tonight.

"Father? Why are there two of them?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He answers with a question like my question was stupid.

"Well you know... there are two of them. You never bring home more than one." I try to word it right so it doesn't make him mad.

"As I told you before they are going to be your new brothers." He tells me, "Hopefully" he adds as an afterthought.

"Oh okay." I take another bite of my soup. "Father?" I ask.

"What is it Oli?" He answers and I can tell he's getting annoyed with me.

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