13 - I Hear Wedding Bells

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"Here comes the bride! All dressed in white!" Bellatrix squealed the second I stepped foot into the Manor with Pansy.

"Oh stop it, Bella! Don't embarrass Blair!" Narcissa exclaimed.

My Mother hurried into the room and gave me a hug. "Just wait till you see the dress Cissy and I picked for you! It's absolutely stunning!"

"Yay, I can't wait," I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"Blair had a long day, and I don't think she wants to be stressed with the wedding coming up so fast, so we're gonna go rest," Pansy said.

"Oh okay, but meet us at the drawing room in a few hours for wedding plans!" My Mother said cheerfully.

Pansy gave her a small nod and placed a hand on my back, pushing me out of the foyer.

The second we reached my room, I kicked off my heels and flopped down onto my bed.

"I'm really sorry you're having to go through this. I couldn't even imagine what it's like," Pansy said sympathetically.

I sighed. "Thanks Pans."

She gave me a small smile before walking to her own room.




I stepped into my shower and let the cool water pour down onto me. In just a few short days, I will have to marry Blair, and must I say, I'm dreading it.

Blair said no feelings, just pleasure, but all she does is ignore me so I can't get anything out of her when I want to. The last time we were really intimate with each other was when she expressed her rules to me, but it's really hard for me to want to follow her rules when she won't do what I want.

I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist. I made my way into my room, but stopped short when I noticed Blair sitting on my bed, and paying no attention to me.

"Yes Blair?"

She kept her eyes off me as she spun a ring around her small finger. "I was told to get you for wedding rehearsals."

I walked up to her, and her eyes shifted onto me for a split second before she looked away again.

"Don't be shy, darling. It's not anything you haven't seen before," I whispered into her ear, brushing the hairs from her face.

"Get dressed. We don't need to be late."

She went to stand up, but I grabbed her neck and shoved her back down. I pulled my towel off, and I could feel her swallow nervously.

"I say we rehearse for our wedding night instead," I whispered gruffly into her ear.

Blair slid off the bed, and to my surprise, did exactly what I hoped she would.

My head leaned backwards as she swirled her tongue around, bringing me closer and closer to my climax with each movement.

When I finally finished, she stood up and smirked at me. "By the way, there is no rehearsal."

She walked off leaving me confused. What did that mean? Did she want to see me or something?




I left Draco's room with a smirk. I disliked him, but teasing him was so much fun because I knew how much he wanted me.

I walked downstairs to the drawing room to go over plans for the wedding. Narcissa, my mother, Bellatrix, and Pansy were all there already.

"Finally. We don't have all day Blair! Does this wedding not mean anything to you?" my mother questioned.

I crossed my arms, and gave her a cold glare. "No, it doesn't. Are you just now realizing that?"

Narcissa cleared her throat and pulled out a large, organized, binder.

"So we decided on a dark theme. Pansy will wear this dress," she explained, pointing at a long, black dress.

I sat back as everyone gushed over the dress. Of course I had no say at all in the wedding. You would think I would at least get to pick my maid-of-honor's dress.

"And these are the centerpieces! What do you think, Blair?" Narcissa plopped the large binder onto my lap.

I looked down at an image of black flowers potted in a black vase. How joyful.

Just looking at the flowers made me feel like I was prepping for a funeral instead. Heck, this wedding was like a funeral. It was sad, and in a way, the death of my childhood.

"They look amazing, thank you Narcissa," I said with no emotion.

Bellatrix cackled. "I like her!"

"Don't encourage her," my mother jaded, glaring at me.

I tuned out the others as they went on and on about wedding plans.

"Oh my goodness! Blair hasn't even seen the dress yet! Bella go get it!" My mother exclaimed.

Bellatrix ran out of the room, and the mothers looked at me excitedly.

I fiddled with my engagement ring as I imagined the dress. It was probably super extra, had poofy sleeves, a long train, and a veil that I won't be able to see out of.

"Don't look so glum, Blair! You're getting married!" my mother exclaimed.

"Yay," I said, completely failing to hide my disgust.

I could tell by her change in facial expressions that I was about to get yelled at, but Bellatrix came in carrying the dress.

She pulled it out of the bag and held it up for all of us to see. To my surprise, it wasn't as ugly as I expected it to be. It had a long train like I imagined, and the dress was very lacey and poofy. It had an off the shoulder fit, and long sleeves so my mark would be covered.

There was a matching veil. The veil was attached to a large, jeweled, silver crown. It was by far the most extra thing I'd ever seen.

"You're going to look amazing," Pansy reassured. I could tell she sensed my annoyance, and was trying to calm me down.

"So, what do you think?" my mother asked excitedly.

"You want to know what I think?" I chuckled. "Well I think this whole wedding thing is dumb. We're 16 an-"

"Blair!" my mother cut in.

"Nope. I'm not done," I jeered. "You could've at least let me pick my dress. Nothing has gone my way these past months! I mean, if I had it my way, I would've picked the groom, but here we are!"

My mother glared at me disapprovingly and I smiled. Narcissa looked down awkwardly. Pansy smirked and gave me an approving nod while Bellatrix laughed and cheered me on.

A knock sounded at the door, breaking the tension that had formed in the room.

"Who is it?" Narcissa called.

"It's Blaise and Draco," Blaise called out.

"Oh! One moment! The dress is out, it'll cause bad luck for the wedding!" my mother exclaimed.

"Do you ever quit with the wedding stuff?" I snapped.

"Room. Now," she commanded.

I sarcastically smiled at her. I'd much rather be there than in here.

I entered the hallway where the boys were waiting. "What'd you do to get kicked out of your own wedding planning?" Blaise asked.

"What do you think?"

He and Draco both chuckled as I walked off to my room.

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