66 - Happily Ever After

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January 17, 1999

I burst with complete happiness as the doors swung open, revealing the ceremony. Draco stood at the altar, a huge smile on his face. As music began to play, my father escorted me down the aisle.

Everything was finally perfect; we're finally having our happily ever after.

When I reached the altar, I shared a hug with my dad before taking Draco's hand so I could remarry him... but happily this time, of course.

My knees went weak as Draco rubbed his thumbs atop my fingers, and I felt myself laughing softly as Cordelia teetered up to us with the rings. We both took them from her and she threw her arms around my legs, which made the audience laugh. Draco and I shared glances and laughed while Narcissa collected her and brought her back to the front row.

So after that, we said our vows and exchanged rings... I don't know how I kept my composure while Draco spoke because wow... His words were everything.

Never would I have thought someone like me could be loved, and yet here we are.

And then the five words I had been waiting to hear were said: "you may kiss the bride."

A massive smile spread onto my face as Draco rested a hand on my hip and the other in my hair. He gazed at me with a smile on his face before pulling me into the kiss.

Cheers erupted from the crowd and when we pulled apart, Cordi threw her arms around my legs once more.

Draco scooped her up into his arms and placed a big kiss on her cheek. I smiled at the sight of my two gorgeous loves... and I could not be more excited to tell them about the third.

So while everyone ate dinner later that night, I pulled Draco aside and pulled him out into the gardens.

"Didn't expect us to have a quickie here," he said as he went to pull me in for a kiss.

I kissed him softly, but before he could deepen it, I pulled out of it.

"Is everything alright?" he questioned.

"More than alright," I responded.

"So then can we get back to it or..."

I laughed softly and cupped his face. "There's no need to really."

Still confused, he raised an eyebrow at me and said, "huh?"

"Draco," I smiled, "I'm pregnant."

His mouth dropped open and tears welled up in his eyes. I also found myself tearing up as he leaned in to kiss me, and this time, I had no intention of pulling away.

We finally pulled apart because he fell to his knees. His arms wrapped around me and he kissed my stomach gently.

October 14, 1999

A little bundle was passed into my arms and I felt all the pain and tiredness wash away as I looked down at the baby in my arms... a little boy.

"You got your wish," I said with a smile as I looked at Draco who was tearing up.

He laughed softly and leaned over to kiss my forehead, and then to take our little boy into his arms.

A while later, our family burst into the room and Cordi, who is now two, ran to my bedside.

"Careful, Cordi May!" exclaimed Narcissa as she picked up Cordi, "oh! But isn't he just the cutest!"

Draco traded Narcissa for Cordi and passed our new son, who he insisted on naming Scorpius, into her arms.

We Didn't Have a ChoiceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora