57 - Polyjuice

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"Madam Lestrange," a man called from the streets, nodding a respectful nod.

Knowing how Bellatrix acts, I rolled my eyes and turned away from the man.

"That was rude," Ron mumbled.

"What? Would you rather her act like a little school girl?" Griphook grumbled as he began to wobble in the direction of Gringotts.

"Guess not," mumbled Ron as we followed after Griphook and into the bank.

I was not nervous at all until we stepped foot into the bank as that's when I suddenly realized the consequences.

"Go on," said Harry as he slipped the Invisibility Cloak over Griphook, Hermione, and himself.

A shaky sigh escaped my mouth as I began to walk down the long corridor with Ron close behind me. My heartbeat was all that could be heard and I swear it was so loud that it was going to give us away.

We reached the large desk at the end of the room. A goblin sat at it, and he did not even seem to notice when we approached.

"Let me into my vault," I commanded, trying my best to sound like a bitch.

The goblin looked up, rather startled. "Ah! Madam Lestrange!"

"Can you let me in? I don't enjoy waiting," I snapped while tapping my foot impatiently.

"Of course," he said, "but we must see your wand before letting you in."

My stomach dropped. Hermione had mentioned that if we gave them the wand, they would know I am an imposter because it is known that the wand is stolen.

"That's not necessary," I said quickly.

"We can't let you in then," he responded, eyeing me rather suspiciously.

I didn't dare to turn around and look at Ron for help. I just prayed Harry or Hermione would do something.

Just when I was losing hope, I heard Harry utter the Imperius Curse. The goblin's expression suddenly changed, and he gave me a warm smile. "Very well then, Mrs. Lestrange, this way please."

I sighed my first sigh of relief in ages as we followed behind the Goblin.




"No! Absolutely not!" I jeered as I looked between my father, to Astoria, and back to my father.

"It's nothing permanent, Draco! It's just for the time being! Would you rather be dead?" he asked.

I silently cursed Blair for not returning back here before agreeing. "Fine, but only to keep the people I love alive," I spat.

Since Blair was not back, nor were we sure if she was even coming back, my father decided for whatever reason that we needed Astoria. So, for tonight's meeting, Astoria will be taking a polyjuice potion and attending the meeting as Blair, and the idea of it made me absolutely sick.

"This means nothing," I hissed at Astoria as I stormed by her and to the nursery.

I pulled Cordelia out of the crib and held her close. It's been a rough couple of days for the two of us. It's so obvious she misses Blair.

"I miss her too, love," I murmured, "but Mummy will be home soon."

"She is so cute."

I whirled around to see Astoria. Why was she up here?

"Mhm. Looks just like her mother. So why are you up here?"

Astoria seemed annoyed at my first comment. "Because your father said I should spend time with you before the meeting and said I should meet Cordelia . . . you know, create a bond with her and such."

She approached us and reached out to hold Cordelia but I backed away. "Of course not. Cordi already has a mother, and it's most definitely not you."

Astoria scoffed and flopped down into the rocking chair. "You know, if Blair doesn't make it out alive, we'll be arranged for a marriage. I heard Daddy talking about it with your father," she said with a smile.

"Not happening."

"Draco, come on, you can't deny what we had!" she whined.

"Astoria! Just shut up! You're bloody annoying and not anyone I would ever want to marry. Can you just get that through your thick skull already!?"

Her lip began to quiver but I didn't care. She can cry all she wants.


"Screw off."


Before the meeting that night, I made my way into the nursery to check on Cordelia, except it wasn't empty.

Disguised as my wife, stood Astoria holding my daughter. Unknowing of what was going on, Cordi was giggling and smiling. My heart broke for Blair.

"Put her down!" I jeered, stomping over to Astoria.

"But she's so happy," said Astoria.

I felt my hand ball into a fist and a lump form in my throat as I blinked back the tears.

"Y-you aren't Blair," I choked out as I took Cordi from Astoria only for Cordi to burst into sobs. "Out, get out. You ruin everything," I seethed as I tried to calm down my wailing daughter.

"Draco, she was happy in my arms," said Astoria, not giving up.

"That's because she's a baby! She doesn't know any better! She thought you were Blair! If she really knew who you were she would have not let you even near her!" I spat.

"Kinda like how she's acting now?" she questioned.

I turned on her quickly, shoving her up against the wall and shoving my wand into her neck. "This is why I didn't fight to stay with you! Maybe if you weren't such a spoiled brat, I would have chosen you! I'll admit, you still had a chance at first when I was first with Blair, but that's definitely ruined now because you're a bitch!" I jeered.

Tears filled in her eyes that resembled Blair's so perfectly. The only reason why I backed off of Astoria is because I felt like she truly was Blair for a moment, and that I was hurting her.

Astoria coughed, trying to regain her breath. "I love you. Blair . . . she only wants you for your name. Please, just take me back . . . one kiss, please Draco," she whispered as she cupped my face.

She had me in a trance. I felt like I was talking to Blair. I gazed down into her eyes as she stroked my cheek softly, causing me to lose myself in her beautiful blue ocean eyes.

"Oh Blair," I sobbed as I rested my head on her's, forgetting who she really was. "I love you."

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