15 - The Marital Bed

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This chapter contains slight spice! Just thought I'd put a warning out there:)

"Well done!"

"Congrats you two!"

"Oh I'm just so happy to see that you two care so much about blood purity!"

"Lucius would be proud."

"To Draco and Blair!"

Everyone around us was full of joy as Draco and I entered the reception. However, they weren't happy for us. They were only happy because us being married meant another bloodline is kept strong.

We took our seats at a large table in the front of the room, and dinner was served.

"Good job, darling," my mother whispered into my ear.

"Yes, you did us proud," my father added.

I nodded sadly as I fiddled with my food; I felt too sick to eat. I only managed to take sips from my drink, but I had no intention of stopping because I was only becoming more and more intoxicated after each sip.

Half way through the meal, the chiming of metal against glass got my attention. Voldemort was standing in the middle of the room, smiling his evil smile.

"I have a toast!"

Everyone picked up their champagne glasses as he began to speak.

"To Blair and Draco! May you live a happy life, full of love, and away from anything that may break your bond...because that wouldn't be good..."

I fidgeted in my chair because I knew he was hinting at something.

"...So, good luck to the Malfoys!" he concluded.

Everyone cheered and clinked glasses, except our families who sat in fear.

"Pay no attention to him, you two. He just wants the tasks completed," Bella whispered.

I gave her a weak smile and downed the rest of my champagne.

"Woah, slow down Blair," my father whispered.

"No. I want to forget this night," I sneered as I waved a waiter over.

My father shooed the waiter off, and handed me a glass of water instead which I pushed off the table and stood up to find Pansy.

"Blair, quit acting out!" my father snapped.

"No! All you do is control my life," I growled.

The guests that sat near us were all looking at us. My father gave them a quick smile before forcing me back into my seat.

"They're bringing the cake out. Go cut it," he whispered into my ear.

"Go cut the cake!' 'Don't drink this!' 'Marry him, become a Death Eater!'' I mocked.

"This day is supposed to be happy, so don't ruin that for others. Now go before the Dark Lord notices anything."

I scoffed and grabbed Draco's hand. I pulled him to the cake which sat in the middle of the floor, and I snatched up one of the knives.

"Ooh boy, please don't do anything stupid with that," Draco mumbled, obviously drunk.

I laughed. That was probably one of the first times I'd let out a real laugh in ages.

"You're so drunk," he murmured as he raised his knife.

"I'm the drunk one? You can't even cut the cake in a straight line!"

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