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February 24, 1981

"What do you mean my daughter is a horcrux?" Julius snapped.

Severus Snape sighed, "The Dark Lord did it by accident. Besides, we aren't entirely sure if she is yet, but I suspect she is."

"So what does this mean for her?" asked Valentina, who had fear and hatred written all across her face.

"We must protect her at all costs for the sake of our Lord. He is unaware of his mistake, but he'll likely want her to join him when she comes of age," Snape explained.

Julius stood up, anger etched onto his face, "No. I want her to grow up free from him. I don't want her living like I did; not having a say in any of her decisions. We had a deal, Severus. I join him, and Blair is kept safe from him."

"Don't be an idiot! You know exactly what will happen if you choose not to comply," Snape jeered.

"Julius, it's our only chance to even give Blair a real chance at life," Valentina murmured.

"Do you not understand the costs of working for the Dark Lord? The second he returns, her life will be controlled," Julius snapped.

"Well if we don't, you already know exactly what will happen. He'll kill us, and keep Blair. There's no way he'll actually hurt her if he finds out she is a horcrux, but do you really want her to grow up in the control of the Lord? She'll just turn out like him!" Valentina said, defensively.

Julius sighed, "Fine."

Julius felt defeated knowing that his beloved daughter would be forced to grow up like he did. No freedom to make her own decisions, and being forced to fulfill horrid tasks.

He made his way up to the nursery, and stood over the crib, where his daughter slept peacefully.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, tears filling his eyes.

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