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"So we're going to continue on the assumption that Donovan's dead?" Stiles asks his girlfriend as they lie in bed.

"We're going to continue as normal" Faline says. "Listen to me, Stiles-"

Faline straddles Stiles' waist and places her hands on his face so he makes direct eye contact with her.

"You did what you felt was right," Faline says. "He was going to hurt me, he was going to kill you and your dad and probably a lot more people. He was dangerous Stiles"

"Does it make me a bad person for feeling good about it?" Stiles asks.

"Stiles Stilinski," Faline says. "You listen to me okay? You are anything but a bad person okay? You felt remorse after those initial moments, that initial feeling wasn't satisfaction it was a relief"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Stiles presses a kiss to her lips before he flips them over, causing Faline to giggle.

"Think we can fit it in before Lydia is hammering on the door?" Stiles asks.

"Who cares if we're a little late?" Faline says.

"Not me" Stiles mutters kissing down her neck.

"You know," Faline says as they trek through the woods. "This tree stump has caused me more troubles than anything I've ever known. And it's a piece of wood"

"It's almost like this thing doesn't want to be found"

"Maybe it knows we're late for class," Lydia says. "Because we've been here twice"

"Crap," Stiles says, looking at the XX on the tree.

"Can we talk to Parrish now?" Lydia asks.

"Hang on," Stiles says. "If the Nemeton's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?"

"Me?" Lydia asks.

"Yes, you," Stiles says. "That's what you do. Faline can only track alive people so we can count her out. You're the banshee, you find the bodies"

"Well, the banshee's having an off day so how about we talk to Parrish?" Lydia asks.

"We can't," Stiles says, glancing to Faline.

"Why not?" Lydia asks.

"Because one of the bodies," Stiles says. "One of them could be-"

"Could be what?" Lydia asks, frowning at the couple who seemed to be communicating through their eyes.

Faline shakes her head slightly and Stiles nods.

"One of them could be a clue," Stiles says.

"I'm leaving now Stiles," Lydia says. "I'm going to talk to Parrish and tell him he's the one taking the bodies. It's always better when they know"

"Well, then he should know he owes me a jeep" Stiles calls.

"I mean we could talk to Theo," Faline says. "He was there-"

"Fine" Stiles says.

They head to the school, texting Theo to meet them.

"You guys are sure that's where Parrish is taking the bodies?" Theo asks.

"Lydia says that's what happens in his dream," Faline says.

"I, man, you know if Lydia finds the Nemeton, she's also going to find Donovan," Theo says and Stiles turns to look at him. "Sorry"

"She's also going to find Josh," Stiles says.

"Who's Josh?" Faline asks. "You've both mentioned him a few times"

"A chimera Theo killed," Stiles says.

"Maybe she should find them," Theo says, causing Faline to look at him in confusion. "I think things are different now for Scott. Especially after what he did to Corey. I don't think he's going to blame us for defending ourselves. I know he won't blame you"

"There's a difference between invading someone's memories and murder" Faline whispers.

Faline is walking through the school when she hears shouts and groans.


Faline bursts into the boys' locker room and her eyes widen.

"Oh my god" Faline seas. "Mason call an ambulance"



Faline presses her hands to Corey's chest and closes her eyes as a pink glow radiates from the two of them as Corey continues spitting Mercury onto her.

"Corey, stay with me," Faline says. "Okay, talk to me"

"Don't let them kill me" Corey says.

"I won't," Faline says as Corey grips one of her hands.

The paramedics burst in and Faline steps back as Mason holds onto her.

"Come on" The pair follow the gurney with Corey on.

"Don't let them kill me" Corey shouts.

"You'll be okay Corey," Faline says. "You'll be alright"

"Do you want to get in the ambulance?" A paramedic asks.

"Go," Mason says. "I'll talk to Scott"

Faline climbs in the back of the ambulance and they're quickly rushed into the hospital but all of a sudden Corey shoots up and grabs Faline.


"Where did they go?"

"They're here" Corey whimpers.

"Okay," Faline says. "We'll go to the ambulance park and work out what to do from there"

They run through the hospital, keeping themselves pressed firmly against the wall.

"Stay quiet" Faline whispers as they weave through the ambulances.

"LOOK OUT" Corey shouts but the dread doctor launches Faline to the side and shoves a blade through Corey.

"NO" Faline screams, running forward and pressing her hand to the wound. "Hey you'll be okay, you'll be alright"

"I'm going to die," Corey says. "But I'm glad I wasn't alone"

Corey goes limp in her arms and his eyes stare at the ceiling.

"Corey?" Faline asks. "Corey stay with me"

"Faline what happened?" Theo asks and Faline notices Scott refuses to look at her.

"We were going to get out through here but they already knew," Faline says. "Then one of them killed him and I don't know what to do"

"I'll get you home," Theo says. "You can get cleaned up and we'll sort out what to do from there"

Theo heads back to the school as Faline washes in the shower, watching the Mercury trickle down the drain.

Theo heads back to the school as Faline washes in the shower, watching the Mercury trickle down the drain

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