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Faline is sat cross-legged on Stiles' bed. Looking through all of the grimoires to try and match the creatures last night to something in the book, anything to take her mind off of the dream.

"Oh my god," Faline says, staring at the page in front of her.


Oni seek a "dark Kitsune" also described as a "dark spirit" that has possessed someone with or without their knowledge. Many claim they are unstoppable and that "no man-made" weapon can stop them. They are described as a "force of nature" comparable to a tsunami. Many say they are not to be fought but simply endured until they finish their work. Like the weather, the Oni are neither good nor evil. They are simply given a task and will let nothing stop them in the pursuit of that task. They kill anyone who opposes them with their swords that they pull from their chest.

Oni appear to be made of black smoke or shadow which coalesces‎ into a humanoid shape, a modified shinobi shozoku, and black masks similar to Japanese Hannya masks. Their eyes glow a golden-green color similar to bio-luminescent fireflies.

They can phase through solid matter, are skilled in martial arts combat, and fight with Ninjato or straight swords. Like other supernatural creatures, Oni are blocked by Mountain Ash barriers but, with much effort, can eventually breakthrough. Oni cannot operate from sunrise to sundown.

In their pursuit of the Nogitsune, the Oni eliminate possible suspects by subduing them and "scanning" their spirit. If the individual is not possessed, the Oni leave a mark on their neck (behind the left ear). It looks like a backward 5 is actually "" which is the Kanji for "self" to indicate the subject is not possessed.

The Oni appear to be genuinely "morally neutral" in that they are not motivated by concepts of good or evil. The summoner gives them a task, in this case, "find and destroy the nogitsune," and the Oni pursue the task until completion or until they are destroyed. While we might describe that goal as "good" - their methods are not. When a malevolent force takes control of them they are equally aggressive in protecting that which they formerly hunted

Faline's phone buzzes and her eyes widen before she sprints to Scott's house to see the Oni fighting with the wolves.

"SOL!" Faline shouts, eyes glowing, her body beginning to glow with sunlight. "Motus"

Faline uses the Oni's sword and sends it into another's chest. Faline turns to one that had remained hidden in the shadows as the light around her slowly fades.

"Men ne de qual suurentaa"

The Oni's neck snaps sideways and he turns into a shadow, slinking away into the darkness of outside. Faline stumbles back, grabbing the dining room chair as her energy drains away.

"Faline you're bleeding from your ears," Scott says.

"Oh so I am" Faline says. "And from my eyes apparently"

"It's Kira right?" Aiden asks. "You going to tell us what you are?"

"What? What do you mean?" Kira asks.

"Aiden," Ethan says.


Aiden holds Kira's hand near the door and it bounces off the Mountain Ash barrier.

"See that?" Aiden asks. "She can't go through it either. So what are you?"

"She's a kitsune idiot," Derek says. "Use your eyes. You can see it all around her. The younger ones give off an aura. She just hasn't learned how to conceal it yet. She probably doesn't know what kind she is either"

"There are thirteen kinds," Faline says. "But they are Oni and they are looking for a dark kitsune. A Nogitsune who has possessed another. Some call it void. A nogitsune draws its power from pain and tragedy, strife and chaos"

"I wasn't going to hurt her," Aiden says to Derek.

"Not yet," Derek says.

"Why do you think we're here Derek? For a study group? We're here to protect Scott and our only friend"

"We're trying to fight for them," Ethan says.

"I'm sure you are," Derek says. "I'm sure you'd kill for them. But are you willing to die for them?"

"Um, guys?" Faline says, pointing at the Oni who was hitting the barrier with his sword.

"What are they doing?" Scott asks.

"Testing for weaknesses," Ethan says.

They watch as the Oni cut a hole into the barrier before tearing it open.

"That's a problem," Faline says. "Scott, you have to let them do the check. It's the only way we can get your dad to the hospital"


"They're searching for someone possessed," Faline says.

"Break it," Scott says and Faline swipes the Ash with her hand.

Faline watches as the Oni grab Scott and Kira before throwing them to the ground.

"It's not her," Faline says, dropping on her knees next to Kira, and helping her up. "You're alright Kira, how about a hot chocolate huh?"

"That sounds good" Kira shivers as they wheel Mr. McCall out to the hospital.

"Ethan upstairs," Faline says. "In the airing cupboard there are some blankets can you bring one down please?"

"Yeah," Ethan says.



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