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Faline is in Derek's bathroom, getting changed into a neon green dress whilst applying matching makeup. The door opens to reveal Ethan as she pulls a green wig over her hair.

"Not like I was getting changed," Faline says, swiping on mascara and lipstick. "But come on in"

"Why are you nice to us?" Ethan asks, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. "Me and Aiden? We were literally working with Deucalion"

"Because I know deep down that you're good people," Faline says, painting swirls across her chest and down her arms. "You don't enjoy hurting people. You literally arranged all of this for Danny, that's what good people do. Help people without getting anything in return. Deucalion helped you expecting something in return, that's what you gave him. You were confused, young, and had this rare ability. Deucalion used that and manipulated you"

"You really think we're good?" Ethan asks. "Here"

Ethan turns Faline around and clasps the necklace she was struggling with.

"You look beautiful" Ethan whispers, shooting her a smile. "If Stiles doesn't fall at your feet, you should find someone who will"

"I know you're good. Both of you" Faline says, smiling at Ethan.

"Where's the necklace from?" Ethan asks.

"My dad," Faline says looking at the werewolf. "He bought it for me when I turned sixteen, said he had matching earrings to give me when I turned eighteen but he's never going to see that"

Faline sighs before putting on a bright smile.

"Now let's go party," Faline says. "God knows I need something strong to drink"

Faline spots her boyfriend and kisses him on the cheek.

"I have a girlfriend," Stiles says, not looking properly at her.

"Well, she's offended you didn't recognize her," Faline says and Stiles looks at her.


Faline pulls the wig from her head, allowing her brown curls to tumble out. Stiles' eyes trail down her body, the dress was hugging all of the right places.

"Let's go dance," Faline says.

Faline turns to walk away.

"It can wait," Stiles says. "It can wait"

Faline holds Stiles' hand over her head, leading him into the crowd.

Stiles twirls Faline so her back is against his chest. Faline tilts her head back and presses her lips to his. The couple kiss as they move together in synchrony. Faline turns so she's properly facing Stiles and presses her lips to his, the boy responding. Faline's hands run through his hair as they kiss.

"Hey, have you seen Ethan?" Aiden walks over.

"Not since he went to get ice" Faline shouts. "I'll go look for him"

"I'll stand with Lydia," Stiles says.

Faline walks into the bathroom, planning to look for Ethan afterward but she looks in the mirror to see a dark figure with glowing eyes behind her. It grabs Faline and presses its fingers behind her ear and the girl crashes to the ground, her body shaking as ice courses through her veins.

Ethan walks into the bathroom and spots Faline shivering on the floor.

"I'VE FOUND HER" Ethan shouts, picking the shivering girl up.

"Here" Aiden wraps a blanket around her before Ethan carries her to the heating vent.

"Come on," Ethan says, holding the girl close to him.

Faline's shivers slowly become less violent the warmer she gets.

"Where's Stiles?" Faline stammers out.

"He left a little while ago," Ethan says. "He thought you had left too so he went looking for you"

"See?" Faline says. "You are good. Aiden saved Lydia, you saved me"

"Because Aiden loves Lydia and you're my friend," Ethan says.

"You still saved us," Faline says. "You're good Ethan"

"I'm going to get you home," Ethan says. "Get you in Stiles' bed and warmed up"

"Okay," Faline says.

"Here" Derek throws Ethan his car keys. "Look after her"

"I will," Ethan says.

Ethan carries Faline into Stiles' room and begins helping clean the paint off of her face and arms. Faline opens Stiles' drawers and pulls out his lacrosse hoodie before she pulls off the dress and pulls the hoodie over her head.

Faline lies on Stiles' bed, pulling the duvet up to her chin. Ethan sits on Stiles' desk chair, leaving when Stiles walks in.

Faline is stood staring at the Nemeton. Lying on it was Paige and her father.

"They're your fault"

Faline turns and screams, spotting a figure wrapped in bandages.

"You let them die. Both of them. And I've bought back someone who will kill you"

"Remember me?"

Faline turns to see Matt.

"You were the reason I killed all of those other people," Matt says. "Look at your hands Faline, they're the bloodiest of them all"

Faline looks at her hands which were covered in blood.

"Look" Matt tilts Faline's head up.

The citizens of Beacon Hills were in a pile in front of her. But at Faline's feet were the people she cared about most. Scott, Lydia, Derek, Mr. Stilinski, Allison, Isaac, Melissa, the twins. But the one that scared her the most was Stiles, who's spread eagle at her feet. His skin pale contrasting with the crimson blood that coated his clothes and skin.

Faline shoots up, screaming in horror.

"NO" Faline screams.

Stiles shoots up and turns to his screaming girlfriend.

"Faline," Stiles says.

"No" The girl sobs. "No"

Stiles holds Faline as she continues to scream and cry.

Mr. Stilinski bursts in and looks at Stiles who was trying to hold Faline still.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know," Stiles says but the cries stop and Faline falls back in his arms, her eyes closed.

"I don't know," Stiles says but the cries stop and Faline falls back in his arms, her eyes closed

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