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The group runs into the locker room to see Cora on the floor and Aiden holding a weight which he was preparing to throw.

Faline quickly drops next to Cora as Ethan and Scott try to stop Aiden.

"AIDEN YOU CAN'T DO THIS" Ethan shouts.

"She came at me"

"It doesn't matter" Ethan snaps. "Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can't touch him or her"

"I think she's pretty hurt," Stiles says.

"You idiot," Faline says to Cora who shoots her a weak smile.

Faline helps her to her feet before Cora begins wiping blood from her face using the mirror.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks.

"She doesn't look okay," Lydia says.

"I'll heal," Cora says, moving backward but she falls. "I said I'm fine"

"Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was?" Stiles asks. "What were you thinking going after them?"

"I did it for Boyd," Cora says. "None of you were doing anything"

"We're trying," Scott says.

"And you're failing," Cora says.

"I didn't see you doing much winning just then," Faline says.

"You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers, running around, thinking you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late" Cora says. "You couldn't even save someone from your own coven. You failed her and them. All you really do is find the bodies"

Cora walks away as Faline glares at her.

"She's definitely a Hale," Stiles says. "I'll make sure she gets home"

"I'm going to um, go on a walk," Faline says. "I'll be back after lunch"

Faline walks out of the school building and begins walking towards the Preserve. She had taken off her boots and socks and she had begun to walk. The forest hums with life all around her. She twirls about, gazing up at the canopy, searching for the birds that sing sweetly. The sun breaks through the cracks, lighting up the dirt path ahead of her, decorated with outgrown roots, wildflowers, and fallen leaves that crunch beneath her feet. She trudges on, taking in the fragrance of grass and the damp earth. Each breath is like water, fresh and cleansing, flowing freely into her lungs.

Faline stops at the edge of the lake.

"Glacies corporis"

The lake had been hardened by the sharp cold unforgivingness of an icy frost, the translucent water bound as a smooth solid. The wildlife was bold yet cautious of figuring out their new visitor, daring to get closer to have a look at the foreign creature disturbing their peace. As the day went on the forest came to life. The trees dance in the wind, the sound of running water in the stream had the same hypnotic quality as music luring animals in to have a drink, to taste the warm sweet sensation of freshwater. The drone of insects humming and buzzing filled the air, little frogs croaked while searching for food hoping to catch an easy snack.

Faline walks across the ice on her tiptoes before she melts it away. Faline makes her way to the clearing. Faline spots something on the ground with a frown. Faline squats down to find the bracelet that Paige had always worn. It had gone missing when Peter had lain her body in the woods. Faline holds the bracelet between her fingers, inspecting it.

"How?" Faline whispers to herself but stops when something hard collides with her head, her body sprawls to the floor.

"Well that should put her out for a few hours," Sofia says with a smirk, before throwing Faline over her shoulder.

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