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Faline stands next to Derek in the locker room.

"Is this really necessary?" Faline asks. "And it stinks in here"

"It's called the smell of teenage boys," Derek says and Faline wrinkles her nose up.

"What the hell?" Liam walks in and notices his missing lacrosse stick. "Where's my stick?"

Derek steps in to Liam's line of sight holding a random lacrosse stick.

"Is this yours?" Derek asks.

"Derek this really isn't necessary," Faline says and Derek snaps the stick in half. "Derek!"

Derek shoves Faline to the side like planned and Liam growls before running to attack Derek who pins him against the lockers.

"Liam" Scott says.

"You're right he is angry," Derek says.

"You could have pushed me a little less harshly" Faline winces rubbing her shoulder.

"Sorry" Derek shrugs.

"This one's yours" Scott holds out Liam's lacrosse stick.

The bell rings.

"Get to class Liam," Scott says.

Liam walks away and Derek smiles at Scott.

"What are you smiling about?" Scott asks.

"You're gonna be good at this" Derek says.

"Are you kidding?" Scott asks. "I am totally unprepared. Remember how you said you could teach me a few things? I think right now, I could use a full-on training manual"

"I'll tell you one thing," Derek says. "That anger he's got? It'll make him strong"

"And dangerous," Scott says.

"Very," Derek says.

"You're meant to reassure him" Faline hisses as Scott sits down.

"This was supposed to be the semester I could focus on school again," Scott says.

"You know when you won't be able to focus on school?" Faline asks. "When someone takes your head off with a thermo-cut wire. Scott, Kate's back, you've got a beta and there's a dead pool. We have bigger problems"

"If all our names are on that list," Derek says. "Then that's what we should be focused on. Do you think Lydia can get that second key?"

"She's working on it," Scott says.

"Derek a word?" Faline asks.

Derek and Faline leave the building as they walk towards Derek's car.

"I spoke to Kol," Faline says. "He's never heard of someone called The Benefactor which either means they're extremely well hidden or-"

"They're new and just for Beacon Hills," Derek says and Faline nods. "What did he say?"

"He told me to run," Faline says. "I told him no. I have a sneaking suspicion that they might make an appearance"

"When?" Derek asks.

"When we need them most," Faline says. "They always know when I need them"

Faline's phone rings.

"Stiles, what do you want?" Faline asks. "Shouldn't you be in coach's class"

"We have bigger problems," Stiles says. "The killer is on the team"

"Go," Derek says. "I'm going to work on the cipher"

"Alright, where are you?" Faline asks.

"In coach's office"

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