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"Alright, since inertia is a subject of which you all know plenty," Mr. Haris says. "Why don't we start with momentum?"

"They're here for a reason" Scott whispers. "Give me a chance to figure it out before you do anything. Okay? Isaac"

"Danny, what do we know about momentum?"

"It's the product of mass and velocity," Danny says. "The more massive something is, the faster it's going"

"Mr. Harris, can I use the bathroom please?" Isaac asks.

Faline stands up.

"One at a time," Mr. Harris says.

"Well, the murder scene outside isn't going to make a patch on the one in here if you don't let me use the bathroom," Faline says and Mr. Harris nods.

Faline leaves just behind Isaac and they spot the twins at the end of the corridor. Faline watches in confusion as one of the twins punches the other in the face.

"Isaac we need to go," Faline says. "They're trying to get you in trouble"

"You go," Isaac says. "I'm going to kill them"

"I did not just tell Mr. Harris a graphic description about my period to leave you alone with the freaking wonder twins"

"Yeah if the wonder twins were evil, murderous werewolves," Isaac says.

One of the twins, Aiden, pulls Faline next to him.

"Deucalion says you're untouchable but nothing about the rest of them," Aiden says.

"I don't give a shit which one you are I can still magic your ass all the way to Timbuktu. You ever been?"


"How would you like to go?" Faline asks. "In pieces?"

"Are you threatening me?" Aiden asks.

"Just a warning," Faline says. "Give Deucalion a message. Feras"

"What does that mean?" Aiden asks.

"It's Latin. Game on" Faline says, glowing her green eyes at him and he flashes his red eyes and the two go into an intense stare-off.

Aiden lets out a growl and Faline smirks.

"Easy boy," Faline says. "I don't want to have to put you down"

"When Deucalion is done with you, I'm going to rip your throat out" Aiden snarls.

"And I will be eagerly awaiting that day," Faline says. "So before your claws even leave your fingers, your heart will be across the room"

Aiden snarls at her and walks away. Faline waves her hand and Aiden goes sprawling to the floor.

"Oh um oops?" Faline says before walking away.

"FALINE" Stiles shouts, skidding down the hall to where his girlfriend is redoing her makeup in the mirror attached to her locker door.

"Hi, Stiles?" Faline says as her boyfriend presses a quick kiss to her lips.

"Alright with sacrificial rituals," Stiles says. "Kyle wasn't a virgin"

"Obviously," Faline says. "There's another reason it's called a threefold death Stiles, they have-"

"Three of each" Stiles says. "Three virgins, then what's next?"

"It depends on the ritual and what the sacrificer wants to gain. Philosophers, Scholars, Healers, Guardians, Warriors" Faline says, shutting her locker door and leaning against it and Stiles rests his arm above her head and leans on that. "Youth, restoration of looks, immortality? It's dark magic Stiles, it's hard to master but once mastered very easy to manipulate. But like with Matt and the Kanima there are always consequences. Like with vampires, live forever. Super strength, sped, hearing. But they have to drink blood, wear enchanted rings, and are weakened by a herb called vervain. Werewolves are the same. Strength, speed, hearing, healing. But then there's bloodlust on the full moon, uncontrollable anger, wolfsbane. They were all born of dark magic and nature doesn't allow something to be completely superior. Everything has weaknesses"

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