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The locker room smelt disgusting. Faline had her hand covering her nose as she sat on the bench nearest to Scott and Stiles' lockers.

"Hey this is boys only"

"As if I'd hop on you Greenberg" Faline snorts. "Eugh"

"You see you guys?" Coach shouts, clapping his hands. "This is why Michaels always has been and always will be my favorite. Greenberg that's an extra lap for harrassing Michaels"

Faline smiles at the angry lacrosse player, giving him a wave as he storms out of the changing rooms.

"Did you apologize to Allison?" Faline asks Scott who had just pulled his shirt over his head. "Properly? Like I told you to?"

"Yeah," Scott says.

"So is she giving you a second chance?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah," Scott says.

"Yeah! Alright, so everything's good!" Stiles says.

"No," Scott says.

"No?" Stiles repeats.

"Remember the hunters?" Scott asks. "Her dad is one of them"

"Her dad?" Stiles asks.

"Shot me-"

"Allison's father?" Stiles asks.

"With a crossbow"

"Allison's father-" Stiles repeats unsure of what to say.

"Yes her father!" Scott shouts before his face contorts like he's about to cry. "Oh my god"

"Come on Scott" Stiles pats his face. "Snap out of it. He didn't recognize you right?"

"No. I don't think so" Scott says.

"Does Allison know?" Faline asks.

"Oh yeah, I don't know," Scott says. "What if she does? This is gonna kill me, man. I can't-"

"Okay, just focus on lacrosse," Stiles says. "Here Scott, take this. Take this and focus on lacrosse for now"

"Lacrosse" Scott says.

"There. We. Go" Stiles says, hitting Scott's arm after each word.

Upon exiting the locker room, Faline bursts into fits of laughter much to Stiles' confusion.

"What part of this situation is funny?" Stiles asks.

"All of it," Faline says. "The first time Scott likes a girl, her father hunts him down"

The shrill, sharp sound of Coach's whistle fills Faline ears followed by his booming shouts.

"Let's go! One-on-ones from up top. Jackson, take a long stick today. Atta boy,"

Faline watches as Jackson defeats every opponent with ease, clearly trying to prove he was the best lacrosse player.

"Ugh, testosterone," Faline groans, sliding her sunglasses up her nose.

"That's how you do it Jackson" Coach shouts. "Greenberg take a lap. FASTER GREENBERG"

Faline watches nervously as Scott steps up to oppose Jackson. She could sense his nerves from the bench and her leg begins to bounce anxiously.

"Let's go! McCall, what are you waiting for?"

Scott runs forward but swiftly gets bowled over by Jackson, causing laughter to erupt from the other players.

Faline stands up and places her fingers in her mouth, whistling loudly. All of the players turn to face the girl who takes her sunglasses off and hands them to Stiles.

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