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Faline taps her fingers against her thigh anxiously waiting. It didn't help that Stiles was shooting daggers at Scott every five seconds.

Scott and Stiles look at each other before looking at her. Faline's phone buzzes and she turns to see Kate Argent speeding towards Derek's car.

"GO SCOTT" Stiles shouts. "NOW"

Scott begins to drive with Kate Argent on their behind. Faline glances back as Kate inches closer and closer.

"Hey Scott," Stiles says. "I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here"

"If I go faster I'll kill us" Scott shouts.

"Well if you don't go faster they'll kill us!" Stiles yells.

"Oh move over" Faline shouts. "We have like a five-second window to do this. You're going to switch seats with me"

"What?" Stiles screeches. "Are you insane?"

"Just a little. SCOTT NOW" Faline shouts.

Scott unbuckles his seatbelt and quickly moves to the backseat as Faline climbs into the driver's seat, sliding in and buckling her seatbelt.

"Go, go!" Stiles shouts as Faline presses her foot on the gas, tearing down the road.

She reaches down to the stereo and cranks the music up to the loudest possible volume as Highway to Hell blasts through their ears.

Weaving dangerously across the road to prevent Kate clipping the back of the car and flipping them, half-blinded by the glare of the lights reflecting on the road, an onslaught of bullet sized raindrops thundering onto the windshield, wipers frantically moving over the never-ending sheet of water, blurring the street, chasing the smudged red tail lights, back end skidding out wildly around corners to try and stop the Argent woman from capturing them and possibly killing them.

"Where did you learn to drive like this?" Scott asks his friend who was grinning as she tore through the back streets of Beacon Hills.

"I'm a cinephile," Faline shouts over the loud music. "You pick up a few things. Also, Derek taught me how to drive, we used to sneak the car at night"

"Why can't you drive like this?" Scott asks Stiles.

"Because I enjoy being alive!" Stiles shouts back, clutching onto his seatbelt. "I have a fear. It's called the fear of getting in a car crash due to reckless driving! It's a pretty common fear"

"Derek has been teaching me to drive since I was thirteen" Faline shouts. "I learned most of this from him and his uncle Peter, the one that survived the fire"

Faline yanks harshly on the wheel as they turn the corner, Scott and Stiles let out small screams as they do. Faline snorts before she looks in the rearview mirror to see a confused Kate on the phone.

"She knows" Faline shouts, pressing her foot down even further. "Faster girls?"

Stiles rolls his eyes at Faline's mocking of their screams.

"Any faster and the wheels are going to burn away into nothing!" Scott shouts.

"I'm doing better than your grandma driving" Faline shouts. "So shut the fuck up!"

"She's gone," Stiles says before clicking his radio.

"All units, the suspect is on foot heading into the ironworks" Noah Stilinski's voice crackles through.

"The ironworks" Scott shouts. "That means we're going the wrong way"

Faline yanks the wheel harshly turning them around before they speed into the other direction. She speeds into the ironworks and Stiles throws open the door.

"GET IN!" Faline shouts as Scott moves into the back with Stiles. "DEREK NOW!"

Argent pulls out a machine gun and opens fire at Derek. Derek charges forward and leaps into the car, slamming the door shut. Faline presses on the gas as they speed from the ironworks, tearing away into the night.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott asks, looking at the older wolf.

"Damn it I had him!" Derek shouts, banging his hand on the dashboard.

"Who, the Alpha?" Stiles asks.

"Yes!" Derek shouts. "He was right in front of me and the freaking police showed up"

"Hey, they're just doing their jobs-" Stiles says and Derek glares at him.

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state," Derek says, shifting his glare to Scott.

"I played no role in that" Faline says, raising her fingers slightly from their position on the wheel to make it seem like a surrender.

"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott asks. "We made a dumbass mistake-"

"You made" Faline corrects. "All you"

"I made a dumbass mistake" Scott corrects himself. "I get it"

"Alright!" Stiles shouts. "Now how did you find him?"

"Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Scott says.

"Yeah all of us," Stiles says. "Or just them. I'll be back here, making no noise and pretending I don't exist"

"If you don't trust them, trust me," Faline says. "When in my sixteen years of life and knowing you have I ever let you down?"

"Never," Derek says.

"Exactly," Faline says. "So stop being a fucking asshole and tell us what you know"

"Look the last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring some things out," Derek says. "She found two things. The first guy was named Harris-"

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles asks.

"Why him?" Scott asks.

"It's a creepy situation and he's a creepy bloke," Faline says with a shrug.

"You can't just accuse someone because they're creepy," Stiles says.

"I don't know yet," Derek says.

"What's the second?" Faline asks.

"Some kind of symbol" Derek shows her a sketch and Faline's mouth drops open.

"What? You know what this is?" Derek asks.

"I've seen it on a necklace," Scott says.

"It's Allison's necklace," Faline says. "Allison Argent"

 "Allison Argent"

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