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Faline walks out of the clinic as Mr. Stilinski pulls up.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Stiles asks.

"I'm here because I could use some help," Mr. Stilinski says. "Actually your and your help"

"Why us?" Faline asks, glancing at Scott.

"Because eight years ago, almost an entire family died in a car accident. One of the bodies, a young girl named Malia, was never found. There's enough evidence to have me thinking that- That a werewolf could have caused the accident, and then dragged her body away. If you could somehow get a lock on her scent or find something that belonged to her, if you could somehow help me find her body, it might provide the missing clue"

"And what if it was a werewolf?" Stiles asks.

"Well, there's somebody out there who murdered an entire family," Mr. Stilinski says. "Someone who still needs to be caught"

Faline, Stiles, and Scott sneak in through the back door as Mr. Stilinski speaks to Mr. Tate. They all wince as the door creaks.

"All I'm getting is some animal smell," Scott says.

"What kind of animal?" Stiles asks as Faline rifles through drawers.

"Dog" Scott says and all three stare at the dog in the doorway.

"Hi, puppy," Stiles says. "Get rid of it"

"Me?" Scott asks.

"Yes, you," Stiles says as Faline pulls out a picture with the name Malia written in the corner before she sticks it in her pocket along with a small personalized keychain. "Glow your eyes at it, something. Be the Alpha"

"I can't," Scott says. "I don't have control"

"Okay, buddy, you're going to have to try something," Stiles says.

"Nice doggy," Scott says cautiously outstretching his hand as Stiles pulls Faline behind him before they all jump back as the dog begins to bark.

"APOLLO" A man shouts and Faline steps forward before crouching down and glowing her green eyes. "APOLLO, SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP"

The dog whimpers before he runs away, wagging his tail

"Anything?" Stiles asks.

"All I'm getting is that dog," Scott says.

"It's alright," Faline says. "I can track her, see if she's alive"

They get to Stiles' house and Faline sets up what she needs for a spell.

Faline places the keychain and the photo in the bowl before using magic to melt them together. Faline then grabs a knife and drags it across her palm before cooling the mixture whilst twirling her finger in the air which allows it to mix.

Faline lies out a map of Beacon hills and pours the mixture on the road that Stiles and his dad live on before she begins to chant.

"Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem" Faline says. "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem"

"Look," Scott says, pointing at the map to see the mixture had moved, to the Preserve. "What does that mean?"

"She's alive," Faline says.

That night, Faline and Stiles are curled up together in bed when Scott bursts in.

"Hey what's going on?" Stiles asks.

"Us three," Scott says. "We're going to go out and find a body. A dead body"

"This never ends well" Faline groans, climbing out of the warmth of Stiles' bed to get dressed. "Besides, she's not dead"

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