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"Right," Faline says to Derek, as they stop outside the McCall house. "If Scott's dad is in there, you're my boyfriend alright?"

"No kissing on the mouth and no hands below her waist," Stiles says, waving a finger in Derek's face. "I don't care if you're a wolf I will cut them off"

They walk in and the lights are off.

"We're going to wait here for Scott," Stiles says. "We're going to sit quietly and we're not going to call or talk to anyone"

"Can I talk to you?" Derek asks.

"No," Stiles says.

"Good," Derek says.

"Fine" Stiles says.

"Who's going to talk to him?" Derek asks.

Stiles makes a noise of surprise as Mr. McCall turns on the kitchen light.

"Are you getting taller?" Stiles asks Mr. McCall.

"What are you guys doing here?" McCall asks.

Faline discreetly links her hand with Derek's, intertwining their fingers.

"Waiting for Scott," Derek says.

"I knew Melissa was joking" McCall chuckles. "As if you would date Stiles"

Faline squeezes Derek's hand tightly, trying not to set McCall's hair on fire.

"I'm waiting for Scott too," Mr. McCall says. "We're supposed to have dinner. I brought extra, you guys hungry?"

"Yes," Faline and Derek say.

"No," Stiles says. "No, we're not hungry"

"No, I'm starving," Derek says.

"None of us are hungry," Stiles says. "Thanks though"

"Okay, if you're not hungry Stiles, Faline, and her friend can still eat with us. What's your name?"

"Miguel," Stiles says and both Faline and Derek look at Stiles confused. "My cousin Miguel, from Mexico. So-"

McCall begins to speak Spanish.

"Please be able to speak Spanish" Faline crosses her fingers and exhales when Derek speaks fluent Spanish back.

"Fantastic" McCall says. "Egg roll?"

"Hell yeah," Derek says.

"Prawn toast?" McCall says, holding out the bag to Faline. "I remember it's your favorite"

"Thanks," Faline says.

"Shrimp fried rice or pork fried rice?" McCall asks the teens.

"Shrimp fried rice," Derek says.

"Pork," Faline says.

"Fantastic" Stiles says. "Egg roll!"

Faline hands Stiles the tray before making sure McCall's back was turned and she presses a kiss to his lips before quickly pulling away.

"So Miguel," McCall says as Faline uses chopsticks to pick up her rice as she wraps her leg with Stiles'. "What did you say your last name was again?"

"Oh it's Juarez Cinqua Tiago," Stiles says and Faline rolls her eyes as Derek gives him an 'I can't believe you said that' look.

"That's a mouthful," McCall says. "How do you spell it?"

Derek looks at Stiles with a shrug.

"Phonetically," Stiles says.

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