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Faline is sat doodling a tree on her Chemistry book before looking up as Miss Blake walks in.

"Good morning," Miss Blake says. "I have a new student I'd like to introduce, my niece Sofia"

Faline's jaw drops as Sofia smirks at her regent before sliding into the seat next to Scott.

"As you all know" Miss Blake continues. "Mr. Harris is still missing. I mean sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place"

"I know you like to keep your own life and your regency separate" Sofia says. "But when my aunt told me that she taught you, I just jumped at the chance to join Beacon Hills High School"

"Let's get started shall we?" Miss Blake says as Faline and Sofia glare at each other.

"Hey" Stiles snaps Faline out of her little glaring contest. "My dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation. They just don't know how"

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott whispers lowly so Sofia couldn't listen in.

"I don't know," Stiles says.

"Scott, there are at least twenty other doctors at the hospital. At least" Faline says.

"Any one of them could be next," Stiles says and Faline shakes her head.

"I put a barrier over the hospital" Faline whispers. "Only people with pure intentions can get in and out and no creatures like bugs can get in"

Faline's phone rings and she presses it to her ear.

"Come to Derek's loft"

Isaac hangs up and Faline rolls her eyes before buckling over clutching her stomach.

"Faline are you alright?" Miss Blake asks.

"I think I'm going to be sick" Faline groans.

"Okay, I think you better go," Miss Blake says and Faline nods, grabbing her bags before shooting Stiles a wink and Sofia a middle finger.

"So what's the plan?" Faline asks.

"In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to fifty milliamps to kill a normal person less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb"

"That's comforting," Derek says.

"If we disable to circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming and anyone who steps fit in here they'll get a pretty shocking surprise"

"Especially someone barefoot," Isaac says.

"Where do I come in?" Faline asks.

"Can you do any electricity spells?" Boyd asks.

"Lecutio" Faline shows the werewolves crackles of electricity dancing across her palm.

"That's it?" Isaac asks.

"Any stronger and I'll end up frying all of our asses," Faline says.

They all step off of the wet floor as Boyd turns on the electricity before throwing the live wire in.

"Is this gonna kill him?" Isaac asks.

"I hope so" Boyd replies.

Faline is perched next to Isaac as they wait.

"Isn't the light on that supposed to be on?" Isaac asks.

"Yeah," Derek says.

"What does it mean if it's not?" Isaac asks.

"Someone cut the auxiliary power," Derek says.

"What about the main-" Isaac is cut off by the lights going out.

Faline watches as Derek walks through the water, unharmed.

"What do we do now?" Isaac asks.

"I can electrify the water," Faline says.

"We fight," Derek says.

Faline, Issa, Boyd, and Derek stand facing the door as Kali throws it open.

"Got to be honest Derek," Kali says. "When Ennis died, I thought to myself I'd just go for it. Find you and kill you wherever you stood. Then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and I thought 'what's a girl gotta do to get you alone?'"

Faline watches as the twins walk in, Miss Blake in their grasp.

"You and me Derek," Kali says. "Or they tear me apart"

"I could have them on their asses before their claws are even extended" Faline sneers and Kali roars at her. "You think you can beat me one on one Derek?"

"I'm gonna rip your throat out," Derek says. "With my teeth"

Derek leaps up in the air with a roar. Faline turns when she hears Miss Blake's cries and screams for Derek. Faline sneaks up behind the twins before chanting loudly.

"Phasmatos Pyrox Morsinus Illum" Faline chants and the twins fall to the ground groaning in pain as Faline pulls Miss Blake away with Isaac as electricity courses through the water. Faline watches as Boyd crashes to the ground along with Derek and Kali as she holds Miss Blake.

"TAKE HIM" Kali shouts before grabbing Boyd.

"No" Faline pushes Miss Blake to Isaac before moving forward.

Faline runs but Kali is ready and hits the girl harshly across the face, sending her sprawling to the ground her eyes closed. Ethan winces, looking at the girl who had been nothing but kind to him.

Faline's eyes flutter open to see Boyd dying in Derek's arms and the Alphas were nowhere to be seen.

"No, no, no" Faline whispers, pressing her hand to the wound.

"It's okay" Boyd whispers to her.

"No, it's not," Faline says.

"It is," Boyd says. "You were a good friend Faline, one of the best. One of my only-"

Boyd is cut off by his body going still and Faline lets out a cry. Cora comes running in and begins to cry over Boyd's body as Stiles wraps his arms around his girlfriend.

 Cora comes running in and begins to cry over Boyd's body as Stiles wraps his arms around his girlfriend

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