Chapter 6

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"You just have to break them in." Alice told Bella as she was trying to walk with heals. Evie had to fight to not laugh as Bella almost fell. The latter playfully looked at her.

Weeks had passed. Evie had spent most of her time with Embry, her siblings and the Cullens as she helped them with all the preparation for the wedding. Alice was all excited, quite hard to handle sometimes. But you know her, Alice was Alice.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days." The soon to be Cullen said. "Can I just go barefoot?" she asked.

"No, absolutely not." Alice firmly said.

"It's not like they're gonna see her feet with that long gown anyway," Evie pointed out. Bella looked at her, thankful to see her siding with her. But Alice shot her glare which sent cold chills down Evie's spine. "Come on Bella, it can't be that difficult!" Evie changed her mind. Alice smiled victoriously as Bella sighed, defeated.

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this," Bella said as she looked at Jasper and Carlisle carrying benches for the wedding.

It was decided that it would happened in the Cullens backyard. It would be sometimes private with only close friends and family. The shifters were invited. It was Bella idea since she was close to Jacob and Evie. Not every shifter woulf come, Sam and the pack weren't really thrilled at the idea of coming, but Billie, Seth, Sue, and Evie were definively going. There was no way Evie would miss the wedding of both of her friends.

"No, it's exactly enough. It will be perfect," Alice argued back with a joyful smile.

"Where do you want them, boss?" They heard Emmett said. He was carrying to long tree trunk.

"On either side of the aisle," Alice said.

Evie looked at Rosalie who walked past behind Emmett carrying a fat tree stump. She looked confused for a moment which amused Evie. The latter already knew how it would end. There was indeed no aisle yet, so both Emmett and Rosalie had no idea of where to put those tree trunks.

"What aisle?" Rosalie asked.

"Does no one have vision?" Alice sighed, making Evie giggle.

"I'll show them," Evie reassured as she led the couple. Alice had told her absolutly everything about how she saw the wedding. It was as if Evie had herself the vision.

"Thank you, V," Emmett grinned. "I honestly thought Alice was going to beat us up," he joked.

"Well, you know how Alice is when it comes to love, and fashion, and weddings, and trends," Evie joked too.

"Oh! Talkingabout it," Rosalie quietly exclaimed, remembering something. She disapeared and reapeared the next second but with a red fabric in her hands. "It's for you, Evie,"

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