Chapter 15

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Evie was on her way back home. Her conversation with Jacob was still fresh in her mind. Everything she thought was happened in fact to be quite different. The reasons why Jacob left were way deeper than what she thought or what she expected. Bella never was, even during the whole newborn army situation, the reason why he was acting so indecisive or why he left. Since the imprinting happened, now Evie was convinced Jacob had always lover her. Bella was never, the moment Evie's and Jacob's eyes met again, part of the equation. She was just a façade. The real problem Jacob was facing was not choosing between two girls he loved at the same time, but choosing between two lives. His shifter one, and his human one. And one had to be given up onto. Jacob, for this entire time, was struggling with his identity. He has struggling between who he wanted to be, and who he was. He was struggling to accept who he was. A shifter. And this identity crisis led him to be such a problem maker. Keeping Bella in his life meant keeping a sense of humanity. And he wanted her to keep his humanity because could. While he couldn't.

Evie would have never thought that he would be facing such a crisis. She never thought once Jacob Black, the one who was always willing to fight the Cullens, was hating his shifter self. He was burdened as much as she was. But for different reasons. Evie gave up on her human life because she was bounded by duty. And Jacob didn't want to lose it. Both of them struggled with this whole shape shifter situation.

Some people said, "you don't really know your friends". Now Evie understood it. Even if we are close to our dear ones, people tend to keep what bother them a secret, fearing to be seen as weak, fearing to bother other. So they keep a façade up, reassuring our loved ones. That was what Jacob did. Only there, mixed with supernatural forces, the result was a catastrophe.

Evie didn't really know what to do. She loved Jake, there was no doubt. But two whole months without him was hell. And what if he leave again? She wanted to be back with him, but could she? They would eventually, they are imprintees. But should it be right now? Or later? Maybe she should give him some time to figure out who he want to be. Then, they could talk it out again. And what about Embry? He liked her and dating Jacob would hurt him. She couldn't do that to him. After everything he had done for her, she didn't want to pay him back like that. It would be cruel. But at the same time, she couldn't lie to herself. It would always be Jacob. And it had always been, even before the imprinting happened.

"I came back but... on my way to your house... I met Embry". She remembered Jacob telling her.

Jacob didn't elaborated much on what Embry told him. It wasn't what bothered Evie though. What bothered her was the fact that Embry knew he came back. And he hadn't told her anything. Why? She had ideas, but she needed actual answers, not assumptions. She needed to figure this whole situation out. Once and for all.

So the Clearwater girl stopped and turned around, heading to Sam's house instead. The whole pack, minus Jacob, would surely be there.

After a few minutes of walk, she finally arrived. And as expected, everyone minus Jacob was there.

"Hi, V," Sarah greeted.

She was sat on the couch, cuddled in Seth's arms. They were with no doubt the cutest couple. Evie remembered when Seth went to Evie for advice about asking Sarah out. He was so stressed out about the imprinting and the need to always be with her and having her safe. Seth was scared. And it was totally fine. Sarah was his first crush and now his one and only true love. She would be his first and last relationship. He hadn't known anything about love before her so he didn't know what to do. Evie had to admit, it was very adorable.

"What's up?" Sarah asked.

"Hi. Well, everything's going surprisingly well," Evie genuinely said. She had imagined her conversation to go down really bad but turned out, it didn't.

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