Chapter 16

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Evie was sat on her roof, staring at the blue sky. Everything was clearer now. She knew Jacob's real reasons behind his departure and Embry's part in that. But now, what to do? She had no idea. She was flattered that both of them were holding her close to their hearts. But the thing that they both shared in common and that was irritating her was that they were making desicions that were not their places to make. She was well aware that all both Jacob and Embry want her to be happy. But they could decide for her. It was not their place to chose what could or could not make her happy. Because even though they had good intention, at the end of the day, they got it wrong. Because Evie is also human and emotions change. Jacob thought he was no good for her so he was willing to let her go. But all Evie needed was him. And Embry thought that telling her the truth would hurt her. But being kept in the dark was worse.

And I'm perfectly capable of making my own desicions, she thought.

Thinking about everything that happened in the past few days, the obvious problem was the lack of communication. When it came to serious talks, none were willing to converse. Evie knew they had to work on that. Or it would never work out.

Evie let out a long sigh. Why her love life was so complicated? Or her life in general? Since all those supernatural stuff began to happened, it was one hell of a rollercoaster. She had to admit, she was like Jacob sometimes. Remenicing the good old days, when she was still human, when she was having fun with her friends at school, when her dad was still alive, where there was no things such as vampires or shape shifters. Just... reckless teenagers thinking they could be on top of the world. This time seemed so far away and yet, it was just maybe a little bit more than a year ago. It seemd to far away she felt like she had forgotten what school felt like. She had not put a foot in a school building for ages she felt like. She missed it. But since she became a shifter, she was homeschooled. Shifters couldn't risk being too much with humans. If they loose their tempers, it could be desastrous. As much as she hated it, she kind of understand why the pack distanced themselves to her at the beginning. They didn't want to hurt her, they didn't want what happened to Emily to happen to her. But still, Evie would have done things differently.

Evie let  out another sigh. Reminicing wasn't good. It would put her in a worse mood. And being a shifter wasn't so bad. The super strengh and enhanced senses was of use. And it gave Evie a purpose, something to fight for. She liked it. She had always wanted to help people and being a shifter made her feel like she was doing something (even though no one knew).

The Clearwater girl then suddenly stood up. She had enough to think and reflect. She had been doing that for days and she was done. Staying in bed and staring at the ceiling while reanylising her life over and over again? No more. She needed to loosen up, to think about something else than love problem. She needed to disconect her brain for a while. She needed to spend some times with her friends. And not the shifter ones. Embry or Jacob would be there and she had no desire to see them or she would be overthinking again. Besides, she wanted to see the Cullens.

So she went to their house.

But as she was getting closer to the fancy house, Evie frowned. Then a smile quickly reached her lips. She smelled the scent of two familiar people. A sour sugary one and a human one. Evie smiled even more and sped to their house. As she got closer, Alice stepped outside to welcome her like she was used to do. But something was different and Evie noticed it. Alice was not as cheerful as she used to be. She had a grave, even anxious expresion on her face.

"Hey," Alice greeted. But she sounded quite stressed.

"Hey! Ed and Bella are back? I smelled their scents," Evie asked, joyfully at the idea of seeing her newlu wed friends. But her smile slowly faded as the unenthousiastic mood of Alice. It was not normal at all. The pixie vampire was not behaving like a pixie!

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