Chapter 14

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Jacob was lied on his bed. He stared blankly at the white wall of his room. The curtains were messily closed and the cover half covering his body. He didn't know how long he stayed there. A day, maybe two. He lost track of time. He was static, his eyes were empty, expressing no emotion but pain. The strains of the dried tears were still on his face. He looked extremely tired but seemed to have no intention to sleep or budge. Jacob just absent-mindly stared at the whiteness of the wall in front of him. He felt drained. He had no energy, no will. The only thing he was doing was rethinking of the moment he found out Evie and Embry kissed. The girl he loved more than his own life kissed his best friend. They kissed. But what could he expect. He left her. He knew things would changed. But he never thought this would happened. He never thought the day he saw her at the beach, the next moment Embry would be kissing her. All Jacob wanted was Evie to be happy. After all the pain she went through after they imprinted, he thought it was better if he stayed away. But he had never regretted a choice so much before.

Is that what Evie felt when I was away? He asked himself.

"Son," Jacob heard his father said. But he didn't move. After wandering the woods for hours, Jacob came back to the Black household. He went straight to his room and never went out since. "Lunch is ready,"

"I'm not hungry," Jacob mumbled.

"Jake...," Billy said. Jacob heard the wheelchair getting closer. "You can't keep on being like this...,"

"Why not?" Jacob emptily asked. "...maybe I should leave...,"

"You can't always run away," Billy sternly said.

"But Embry would take care of Evie. He would treat her better than I do," Jacob mumbled.

After thinking back on what happened at Sam's house, he thought that Embry was right. Embry was there for Evie when he wasn't. Embry wasn't not having a hard time with being a shifter. He would treat Evie well. What Jacob failed to do. But would it be that simple?

"But you're her imprintee. And will ever be. Not Embry," Billy said. "The bond cannot be broken,"

"She doesn't want me as an imprintee anyway...," he said. Jacob quickly pressed his eyes shut, fighting the tears away.

"She didn't mean it, son,"

"How could you be so sure?" Jacob asked. "You shouldn't have seen her eyes... she hates me...,"

"Why don't you try to fix things? Why don't you just tell her the truth? Why don't you just tell her what you explained to me?"

"It's useless," Jacob mumbled. "When you broke a plate, even if you say sorry, it won't fix the plate,"

"Beings are different. Apologising can help getting better, it helps going forward" Billy said. "If you really love Evie, explain to her. And gain her forgiveness,"

Jacob didn't say anything. He kept quiet. Billy sighed and rolled away, closing the door in the process. Was he right? After everything Jacob put Evie through, he had no right to try to ask for her love. He knew it. He fucked up really bad and there was nothing that could fix that.

If only I wouldn't have misunderstood  Embry's words..., Jacob thought.

Jacob was walking on the road. It had been a few days since he left. He wanted to find a way for Bella to not become a vampire. He didn't care she was getting married to Edward. He just didn't want her to loose her human life. But he couldn't stay away from Evie anymore. He needed to be with her. So here he was, going back to her.

As he was walking in direction of Evie's house, he saw a figure walking toward him. Jacob smiled seeing who it was.

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