Chapter 26

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A/N: Sorry for the wait. I needed a break and I started college so I wasn't really in the mood to write anything.

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!


Evie had never thought of sleeping with anyone before. Actually to be quite frank, she was scared and pressured. Seeing people of her age already having this experience and not her, she was feeling wierd. As if she was behind everyone. And seeing Bella getting married a nineteen, Evid definitely felt as if she wasn't experiencing a real teenager life. But as paradoxal as if sounded, she was still reluctant and scared. She didn't want to be reckless and end up in bad situtation. And she didn't want to experience it with anyone. She had kind of dreaded this moment, fearing she would mess up.

But when it finally happened, she just went with the flow. It happened naturallym. No awkwardness. Being with Jacob, Evie felt safe and comfortable enough. She just wanted to know be with the person she loved, with the person she knew she would spend the rest of her life with. So when the moment happened, when it felt like it was the right moment, Jacob and Evie made love.

Jacob flopped next to Evie on his bed, both of them panting and sweating. Evie moved the blanket up to cover her cold naked body.

"That was...," Jacob said, catching his breath.

"Magic," Evie finished his sentence, giggling. Jacob chuckled and turned to face her, leaning on his elbow.

"I didn't know you could be so...,"

"So what?" Evie smirked.

"Ambitious," he chuckled.

"It's not because you're the alpha that you get to be on top all the time," she said.

"Well, I like when you take the lead," Jacob said as he leaned down to kiss him. Evie kissed him back, chuckling.

"I love you, Evita Margaret Clearwater," Jacob confessed against her lips.

"I love you too, Jacob Black," she smiled.

Her eyes, full of love and adoration, stared into his dark irises. They were mirroring hers. Jacob's dark brown pupils were full of passion and tenderness. It was as if the little house of the Blacks disappeared. It was as if everything else disappeared. They were on they own world. Jacob and Evie. Evie and Jacob. It had always been them two. And it will always be. They were destined to be. And now that both of them knew what they truly wanted and what they truly needed, what the future held for them would only be great and lovely.

But as the Clearwater girl looked at her lover, her eyes caught sight of something thin around his neck. A necklace.

Evie recognized it.

Her hands softly trailed against Jacob's skin until delicatly holding the little scupted wooden head wolf pendant. She was actually very surprised to see him with it. She thought Jacob would have thrown it away. She had expected him to.

"You kept it?" She quietly asked. She wasn't really asking actually.

"There's no way I'm throwing it away," Jacob said.

Evie stay silent for a moment. She bit the inside of her cheek as she remembered what she told him that day at the beach. The cruel words she harshly told him.

"I wish I wouldn't have imprinted on you," she said as she harshly gave him the necklace he once gave her.

Evie did not regret saying those things to him. It wasn't like she lied anyway. But she felt like she could have phrase it a little less harsh and cruel.

True Feelings: Complications | Twilight Jacob Black [2]Where stories live. Discover now