Chapter 23

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The Black pack shifted. All in their wolf form, they stood in front of the house, except for Seth and Sarah who were inside the house. They were all waiting for the Uley pack to arrive. Evie was pretty sure Sam wouldn't be happy to see Evie, Leah, and Aaron switching side again. And even less when he would realised Embry had betrayed them. The more wolves joined the Cullens, the less Sam had chances to kill the newborn. But it still wouldn't worry him very much. At the end of the day, he was the one with most men.

"They are here," Jacob said through their telepathy link.

"I'll finally get to beat the shit out of Paul," Aaron snikers.

"You're still mad at him for saying that he was stronger than you?" Leah asked, amused.

"He ain't stronger than me," Aaron stubbornly said, making his friends laugh.

"You're such a kid," Evie chuckled.

"A hot one then," Aaron smuggly said.

"Oh shut up!" Jacob, Evie and Embry told him, done with his nonesense as Leah just bursted out laughin.

The laughters died down when they heard the Uley pack getting closer. The Black pack tensed up as they faces the tree line.

Just as Sam and his fellow pack members where coming, Edward went out of the house followed by Alice and Jasper. Evie almost gaged at all the blood on his shirt. And knowing that it was Bella’s wasn't helping at all.

Then, she felt a soft push. Jacob just tenderly carressed her head with his. Evie purred as she softly pushed him back.

"We're outnumbered," Jasper noticed.

"By a lot," Alice stressed.

"I won't let them hurt my family," Edward said, determined.

The Uley pack then slowed down as they slowly circled the house.

"Aaron, Leah, you take the left side," Joacob ordered. "Evie, Embry, you're with me,"

The pack nodded as they all got into their position. As the Uley pack emerged from the tree line, Sam in his giant jet black wolf form lowly growled. His angry, mad eye passed from Jacob and then stopped to Embry. An angry growl followed. Sam was not pleased at all. His eyes finally stopped on Edward. And the next second, he, followed by his pack, rushed to attack the Cullens. The latter attacked too and the Black pack followed. It was then pure chaos. The Cullen party tried to keep the Uley pack away from the house as much as they could. Jared tried to run pass Alice, who was already fighting a wolf, to the house but Leah was quick enough to push him out of the way. The Uley pack tried this tactic many times but the Cullen party would always manage to push them away.

The problem was that they could keep it up for too long. They were outnumbered and Sam knew that very well. The moment one of them would get rid of one wolf, the next second, another one would be already attacking. Even though the wolf would tire down faster than vampires, vampires could not do much in frong of so many opponent. And the same applied to the Black pack.

Esmee and Carlisle eventually returned from their hunt trip and threw themselves into the battle to defend their family. But even with their help, they were still outnumbered.

Paul managed to find a breach in the Cullen's formation. He was getting closer to the house but Evie reacted quickly. She rushed to him and tackled him. He fought back but she did not gave up. She pushed him out pf the way and as soon as he was back on his feet, Aaron attacked him. Evie smirked as she let her future brother-in-law dealing with Paul.

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