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Evie stretched her limbs as she stood up from her seat. She hated taking flights. Being sat in the same seat for hours in the middle of the sky, what a pain! She preferred the safety of the solid and rigid ground.

When the plane finally landed, she alongside with every other passengers stood up to take her belongings. And with light steps, she made her way out of the giant metal bird. She slithered between people, making her way toward the area to fetch her luggage. She waited a few minutes, pushing her long hair out of her face into a ponytail as she scaned the thousands of suit cases passing by before spotting hers. She grabbed them and once again, sligthered her way out of the heavily crowded airport.

Even after four years back into regular human life, she hated crowded places. She always feared to loose her temper and phase in front of every one. Even though she had the best self control out of all the shifters, no body was spared of a unfortunate incident. Luckily, Evie managed to survive those four college years with no shifting problems.

In the taxi heading to Forks, Evie wondered if she should directly visit her friends. But she really wanted to take a shower first. The many hours of flight took a toll on her. So when she arrived to her cozy house, she directly headed to the bathroom. Nobody was home. Seth and Leah surely were at the Black house. And her mother and Charlie, her step-father, were maybe out on a date, who knows?

A lot of things happened in seven years. And by a lot of things, I mean a lot of weddings and engagements. Sam and Emily got married a few months before Evie left for college. The now Uley girl was even pregnant. Then in Evie's sophomore year, her mother and Charlie got married too. As such, he was told the truth about the Quileutes. He was obviously taken aback and shocked but did not think much about it. It wouldn't change anything to his feelings for Sue or for the children. But as Evie's step-father, it also made Bella her step sister. It was quite a funny situation. Especially because it consequently made Edward her brother in law. Fate really wanted the two of them to be part of the same family. Talking about family, Leah and Aaron were engaged. Leah proposed months ago on a very romantic date. Of course Aaron said yes. He often joked about the fact that Leah beat him at proposing.

Apart from that, Seth and Sarah also went to college. The others where either too young or didn't wish to go. Most of them devoted their life to their pack and to protecting Forks. But they still got job to earn money.

After taking a refreshing shower and dressing up, Evie decided to head to the Black house. She couldn't wait to see her friends and siblings after almost a year. And especially her beloved boyfriend Jacob. They often face time but wasn't the same as seeing each other in real life. She couldn't wait to embrace him and kiss him, to just feel him. Jacob had been very supportive of her studies. Even though distance was hard, he still managed to cheer her up every time she would feel down because of exams or when she would feel discouraged.

But her cheeriness quickly dropped when she knocked on the door of the Black house. She knocked, but no body responded. Actually, there was no one at all. She smelled no scent, she heard no noise. Nothing.

Evie frowned, confused of the situation. She was certain her friends would be there. They were always there, it was their meeting place, their head quarters. Evie tried to call her siblings, boyfriend and friends but none of them answered. She was starting to get worried, thinking something happened. But before assuming anything, she decided to go the Cullens just in case. And if there was no one, then she could freak.

Realief took over her persona when she smelled the scents of her friends. Although, she wondered why all of them where there. The two packs, some elder, the cullens and even her mother and Charlie.

Evie frowned but still headed to the house. And when she stepped into the living room, she froze.

"Welcome back, Evie!" They all cheered joyfully.

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