Chapter 25

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Three passed. Jay kept on visiting the Cullens to play with Renesmee. Quill would always come with him, just to make sure his younger brother was alright. He knew the Cullens wouldn't do anything to him. But Jay was only fourteen in a house full of vampire and in their lives, anything could happen. So he wanted to make sure his younger brother was safe.

The Ataera siblings also joined the Black pack. Most of their close friend were part of the pack and they were the closest to the Cullens. Even though  the Uley pack were like brothers to them, they could feel their uneasiness about Renesmee and the Cullens.

During these three days, Jacob got to meet with Sam about the Quileute territory. They came to an ageeement according to which they would share land. Both packs could wander anywhere but each would still have on part of the land assigned to them. This idea actually came from Emily and backed up by Kim and Rachel. As she was the Clearwaters' cousin, that Kim was Evie's best friend and Rachel was Jacob's sister, none of them wanted to be separated from their family. So the three women talked to Sam about being able to still meet with them. That's how they came to this agreement. Even though they all got separated because of a disagreement, they were still family.

Quil's and Embry's fathers both joined the council of the Black pack. The latter was becoming more and more organized. Their HQ and meeting place was Jacob's house. As he was the Alpha, it seemed the only logical choice.

However, on the Cullens side, most of them were still quite worried. Especially Edward. Bella still hadn't awaken from her death sleep. Carslile was confident of the rebirth as a vampire. But the more the days passed, the more anxious they all grew.

On the third day, the Black pack decided to chill at the beach. Now that it was all over, they could finally relax and enjoy life. But before that, both Jacob and Evie visited the Olympic coven. As the usual, Jay was playing with Renesmee under the soft gaze of everyone. Jay was trying to make her out the circle into the right shape, not the square one.

Seeing Renesmee alive was so surreal. Who could have thought that an hybrid could exist? But regardless of all the hardship they went through, all of them were happy to see hear her heart beating. And even if he wasn't expressing as much as Rosalie was, Edward was beyong blissful. But the death sleep of his beloved was overshadowing his joy.

Leaning on the railing of the balcony, he was softly smiling as he watched his only daughter playing with Jay. Seeing him away from the others, Evie decided to go talk to him.

"Will you keep staying alone in the balcony?" Evie asked as she stepped out of the living room. "I hope this time alone his useful. Do you meditate?" She joked. Edward slightly chuckled.

"I use it to think," he only said.

"About what?" Evie asked as she leaned onto the railing next to him.

"About the future," he said. "About wether or not I'll be a good father for Renesmee. About wheter I have the shoulders for that. I'm afraid to not be enough. To not prepare her well for this harsh world. The human world is cruel, but the supernatural one is worse. And she is different. She's an hybrid. We know nothing about her kind. We don't know how people will react to her. Will they be afraid? Will they accept her? And what about the Volturi? Will they want her? Or will they want to kill her? Will I be able to protect her? I don't want her to hate herself, I want her go grow confident about herself,"

Evie couldn't help but tenderly smile at him. Edward was a good man. She knew he would be a great father.

She gently took his hand in hers, causing him to look at her. She could see all the worries and fear in his eyes. He usually looked so strong and confident, it was a new sight of him that she had before her.

True Feelings: Complications | Twilight Jacob Black [2]Where stories live. Discover now