Chapter 13

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Evie was lied on her bed, back against the matress. She gazing at the immaculate ceiling, lost in her thoughts. She sighed. It was dark outside, the middle of the night. Hours had past since Jacob found out about Embry's feelings for Evie and the kiss the two of them has shared. When he phased and left, Evie knew it was better not to follow him. He was hurt and mad and in such a state, it was better to let him alone. His feelings could get the beat of him and he could do something he would regret later. A part of Evie was afraid he would leave again permanently. But the other part of her knew he would stay. At least, she hoped so.

After that, Evie decided to go back home. She was lost. No words between Embry and she were exchanged. Just a glance. Embry was cleary troubled and stressed as Evie was confused and lost. But the female shifter didn't question anything and just headed home where calm and peace would be. Where she would feel sade and protected. She needed it to think. That was how she headed on her bed, contemplating her ceiling. And it had been like that for hours.

The scene kept playing in her head. Or more precisely, one specific line from Jacob.

"I see now why you didn't want me to come back! I see why you didn't want me to see her when I first came back!"

There could be no hidden meaning to this. Jacob came back. He came back for her once. But why did he never went to see her? Why did he never come back to her? Why did he stay away? Why did he leave again? Was it because of Embry? It seemed so. Jacob seemed to be blaming him. But why? And that also mean that Embry knew Jacob went back home once. But he never told Evie either. He kept it for himself. Evie wanted to believe he had a reason, a good one, but she couldn't help but feel betrayed and hurt. Why didn't he tell her?

Evie sighed again. It was so complex. It was not what she thought it was. Not completely at least. Jacob came back for her. She felt some kind of pride at this thought. He came back for her. And it meant he cares for her. That he loved her. Not Bella. But Evie wasn't sure. And she didn't want to have high expectations only to be disappointed at this end. So she also considered the other way, he still loved Bella. But this idea seemed less and less probable, plausible, and conceivable. It even made Evie doubt Jacob's reason of his departure. Why did he left? Was it really because Bella? Because he loved her? Or was there something else? Everything seemed to not be what it first was. It pushed the middle child of the Clearwater family to put everything into perspective, to question everything. It was not as simple as she thought it was. It was complicated. There was secrets she didn't even know could exist.

Evie sighed again. She didn't know what to do.

"Still reflecting?" Evie heard. She turned her head to the door to see her older sister, Leah. "I keep hearing you sighing,"

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