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emily and octavia arrived early. they had plans to visit the cinema after shopping but after checking out what movies were being showcased they decided to scrap it. they arrived to the reservation at around 6pm.

"you sure you wanna attend forks high school and not on the reservation?" emily asked as they dumped her bags off in octavia's room. on the ride back, octavia had told her that she enrolled there.

"yeah, i love the reservation but i wanna make new friends yknow." she replied, putting the bags under her desk and grabbing her headphones, "meet new people, explore."

emily smiled and they walked up and out the house, going to the field were paul and embry were cooking hamburgers, "that's understandable. we'll have to get jake to fix you one of the cars he has laying about." she went and sat by her fiancé and spoke to him.

"hey jacob," octavia smiled at him and he got up, giving her a quick bear hug. she sat by his feet and rested her head on the side of his knee. a plate of a burger, fries and a hot dog made it's way around to octavia. bella, who was sitting beside jacob, noticed.

she normally got fed first.

"hey i'm bella." she looked at octavia who smiled widely.

"octavia." she replied, before starting to eat. for some reason the pale girl gave octavia a bad vibe so she wanted to keep the conversation short.

"how was your shopping trip ava?" jacob asked, his mouth full of food.

octavia gave him a look and he rolled his eyes, wiping his mouth, "it was good. we wanted to watch a movie but nothing on there was good." she shrugs and takes a bite of her food.

"ava?" bella asked jacob.

"yeah octavia is a mouthful." jacob laughed, moving his knee so octavia's head rocked.

"you're a fucker." she cursed, hitting his knee before resting his head there.

sam looked at them and squinted, "language."

"sorry." she said sheepishly. she was gonna have to work on her vulgar language.

"anyways," jacob said mockingly, "she calls me jacob. cause apparently jacob doesn't need a nickname."

"it doesn't!" she giggled, "it's a 5 letter name, why do you need to shorten it to jake? and where does the k come from? so many questions." she smiled and looked back at her food continuing to eat.

bella silently looked between octavia and jacob, not liking their chemistry and how their conversations flowed. she wanted jacob for herself and didn't like sharing.

she thought for a second before resting her head on jacob's shoulder, whispering into his ears. she rubbed his bicep and giggled, acting all girly. everyone looked away, except for sam. he hated bella and if it weren't for jacob he would've had her off their property immediately.

jacob on the other hand, felt like he was on cloud 9. he didn't care what came over bella but loved the fact she was touchy, thinking that she had finally started to favour him over the blood sucking demon, edward.

"leah not now." paul snapped at her.

leah was frowning angrily, "no! she's a freak." she said this in direction to bella. leah looked like she was shaking and octavia could've sworn she heard a growl. everyone starting getting up, giving leah and paul space. sam saw his sister, sitting confused and he pulled her out the way. he did not want her to get hurt.

"what's going on?" she asked him, clutching her food.

he ignored her, "quil, embry. take octavia to her room." the nodded and started to take her but she wouldn't move.

"what the hell is going on?" she asked, her feet digging in the ground.

"paul just shut up. you think you're special cause you're second in command but you're not!" leah yelled at him, pushing him over a desk.

within seconds, paul was no longer paul but a big ash brown werewolf, towering over leah. octavia could not believe her eyes, she was about to scream for leah to get out of the way but she turned into a beautiful grey wolf. octavia gasped loudly as the two fought their way into the forest.

"take her inside, now!" sam yelled at the two boys and the nodded. the three of them rushed to emily's kitchen and helped a shocked octavia sit.

they look at octavia and grab a muffin from emily who rolls her eyes, "guess the wolf's out of the bag." the two boys laugh loudly, already grabbing their second muffin, "pay up embry. she didn't puke."

when octavia heard the word puke, she rushed to the bathroom to be sick. she must've been in there for a while because sam came and knocked on the door, asking if she was in there.

"i'm here, i'm here." she sniffed, flushing the toilet and washing her hands and face. when she stepped out sam handed her a pack of gum and she giggled sadly, taking two and chewing them.

"did you cry?" he asked.

"yeah but not cause of you guys." she looked in the mirror and saw her red eyes, "i hate vomiting." she whispered and sam hugged her. she cried again, her arms wrapped around him.

he rubbed her back slowly, comforting her. when she had calmed down she pulled away and muttered a sorry and he smiled heart-warmingly, "how about you go ahead and get to bed?" he suggested, "that way you can think of questions you have for us tomorrow, while i talk to leah and paul for freaking you out."

she smiled. octavia loved it when sam acted all brotherly, "don't be too harsh on them." she whispered and he thought for a second and then nodded.

octavia didn't want to show anyone that she cried so she slipped through the back door. she greeted billy quickly, he saw her tear stained cheeks and heard what had happened so he let her go without questions. seeing the wolves phase for the first time was scary for him too.

when octavia made it down to her basement room, she brushed her teeth and her face, staring at herself in the mirror. she couldn't believe this had happened. she got under the covers in her bed and sighed, grabbing her remote to play some tv. she needed to be relaxed before she slept.

"can i come in?" a voice came from the door.


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