twenty four

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octavia and jacob were madly in love. truly, madly and deeply. they spent all day of everyday together for the week that jacob was recovering. dr. cullen visted everyday. he checked on the shape shifters as well as becoming unlikely friends with octavia and sam.

sam was so grateful that carlisle helped jacob that he even offered to treat the cullens, which carlisle polietly declined.

there was one day where edward followed carlisle to the reservation. he looked exhuasted. although octavia knew vampires could not sleep, she looked at him and was shocked at the baggy eyes and sad clothes he wore.

"octavia could i trouble you to go get me some fresh cloths and a class of water for jacob? i left them on the kitchen table." carlisle asked her. she nodded and went to go grab them. she didn't notice edward sulking in the corner of the room and accidentally dropped the glass of water.

"shit," she cursed. she carefully picked up the glass pieces. she took her time, trying not to cut herself.

"it's fine." edward said sadly. he helped her clean it up and then they both awkwardly stared at each other.

"is everything okay?" she blurted out. she saw how hurt he looked. it looked like his heart had been ripped out and burnt.

"did jacob tell you what happened? the night of the fight, before bella told him we were going to get married." he questioned. she shook her head no, "it's not my place to say then."

"edward say it." she demanded. he looked afraid.

"he kissed her."

"i can't sleep with all that teeth chattering on." jacob had phased back to his normal human self. he tried to climb into the tent, wanting to warm bella.

edward frowned, reading his mind, "forget it jake."

"she's going to need her toes one day." he smartly replied. bella, who was freezing, grabbed jacob's hand and within seconds he was holding her in his arms. she fell asleep soon after.

jacob thought as he held her. he felt wrong. he knew octavia was waiting at home for him but he wanted to be with bella too. he was so conflicted.

"you love her." edward said.


"you love her. sam's sister."

jacob rolled his eyes, "leave her out of this. and stay out of my mind."

"well i would if you didn't think so loudly." edward looked directly at the boy, "you know she's hurt and you continue to hurt her. why?"

"i don't mean it. it just happens."

"you imprinted on her jacob, for hells sake. why are you ruining her like this?" jacob stayed silent, "i understand not wanting to be with her right now but the future doesn't lie. one day you will be together but for now, if it doesn't feel natural and if she keeps getting hurt cause of you why don't you let her go."

jacob ignored him. he knew edward was right but he did not want to admit it. it was bad enough thinking it but saying it was worse. so he got himself comfortable and fell asleep.


"you're marrying him?" jacob asked. he felt crushed. the girl he wanted from the beginning was truely off limits.

"jake-" bella started. she didn't get to finished as edward cut her off.

"he deserves to know." he spoke, smug that he was finally winning. jacob huffed in anger and walked off. he punched a giant rock in anger and bella ran after him.

"jake stop!" she begged and pleaded.

"i'm so done bella. i'm so done." he turned around to face her. she panted and he frowned angrily. this went on for about two minutes. bella inched closer and closer and then threw herself on him. she kissed him, and he didn't pull away.


octavia shook her head furiously. she did not believe it. it had to be some plot that edward and bella devised because bella is upset that she doesn't have jacob to toy around anymore.

"octavia. i'm not lying." edward said sternly, "i broke up with her. why would i go around hurt you anyways? i don't even know you!"

"exactly, you don't know me! so why would you tell me this?" she yelled at him, "i was perfectly happy living ignorantly. okay? she hurt you, jacob hurt you, not me. why was i dragged into this?"

"because you deserve the truth. you deserve to know that jake isn't worth of you."

"why would you do this? you of all people? this is our second conversation. why didn't you go and tell jacob to tell me." her voice grew louder and carlisle rushed into the room. he automatically knew what was happening.

"edward, go home." he ordered.


"no edward. go home. i have never been more disappointed in you than right now." carlisle's voice was soft but octavia knew that edward got hurt. he looked at her, whispered a sorry, before running out.

octavia didn't even looked at carlisle. he asked her if she was okay and she mumbled an inaudible response to human ears. she rushed down to her room and grabbed a bag. she threw in her essentials and her electronics and zipped it up. she snuck past jacob's room, it sounded like he was getting dressed.

she threw the bag on and walked to where leah stayed. it wasn't far from where she lived as it was still on the reservation. she unlocked the door, leah had given her a key last time as she confessed to her that sometimes she did not want to see jacob in their house and needed an escape. she heard the video game playing from her room so she went there straight away.

when she opened the door, she looked at octavia confused, "is everything okay?" she asked. octavia shook her head, tears falling down. she was heartbroken.

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