thirty three

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"seth is she really back?" they heard jacob's voice, he wasn't far. sam gestured at seth to keep talking so they could catch him.

"she is! i spoke to leah this morning." seth spoke. jacob was shocked at how deep and strong his voice had become, it had been a while since jacob heard him.

"seriously?" jacob's voice sounded closer, "what did ava say?" it felt weird saying her name like that. he sounded weak and frail.

"that she missed you. leah said she asked about you and that she got sad when she found out you hadn't gone home." jacob expected seth to continue but he didn't, "it's not my place to say the rest."

there was silence from jake. the pack shared uneasy looks, afraid that he didn't believe seth. but after a few minutes of eerie silence, human jacob limped from a tree. butt naked.

"little help?" he asked.


the girls took a cab back to the hotel. emily sat in the front seat with leah and octavia in the back. they both noticed how emily's fingers were moving quickly against her keyboard. they thought of it as nothing, maybe emily was texting her wedding planner.

when they got to their room, they hung the dresses carefully. they were so happy with their dresses and their matching shoes. octavia sent a picture to her mother and some of her friends and they marvelled over it.

the three girls ordered themselves some rood service. they took advantage of the fancy hotel and ordered fancy foods like sushi and red wine, despite octavia and leah being under the legal drinking age.

"better not tell your brothers." emily said, and they nodded. the girls watched a chick flick on the tv, eating on their beds. emily and leah seemed to be enjoying themselves but all octavia could think about was jacob.

while emily cooed over the male lead and leah sobbed over the female lead, who in leah's mind 'did not need that ugly man' octavia grabbed her phone. she scrolled mindlessly through social media.

she yawned and opened the photos app. she smiled at her jacob folder and scrolled through it. all the photos had good memories now, she missed him dearly.

she found the picture from their first date and made it her wallpaper, blinking hard to stop herself from crying. octavia opened her immessage, texting her friends. she curiously opened jacob's contact. she bit her lip sadly.

she thought that jacob would have touched his phone by now and that he would've texted back or something. she sighed and turned her phone off.


paul threw a pack of clothes to jacob who nodded gratefully. he hid behind a tree and got dressed, still limping. sam was right. phasing to human after being a wolf for so long was a pain in the ass.

seth knelt down and jacob climbed on him. he hung tight and sam gave the pack the notice to run home. the run home was done in silence but all the boys couldn't help but feel excited that jacob was finally coming home.

when they got home, seth knelt and jacob stumbled off him. it reminded him of how ava would stumble any time she wore his motorbike helmet.

the pack phased within seconds and bombarded jacob with hugs and light smacks.

"you idiot, i missed you!" embry squeezed the shit out of him. quil pushed him out the way and hugged jacob. they both missed him like crazy.

"i imprinted!" quil grinned and jacob smiled. sam cleared his throat and everyone stood up, backing away from jacob.

jacob also stood up. he hung his head low. sam shook his head and pulled jacob in for a tight brotherly hug, "we missed you jacob. greatly."

"i missed you all too."

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