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octavia was ready in less than ten minutes. she grabbed her phone and put on her shoes before sneaking out and heading to the front door. she got into the passenger seat of the car and smiled at jacob after putting on her seatbelt, "is this my car?" she asked.

he laughed and started driving out of the reservation and on the free way, "absolutely not. this is mine." octavia rolled her eyes jokingly and looked out the window, "i'm still fixing yours. you're welcome to join me in the garage like any time." he offered.

"i'll join you in that garage if you join me for our tutoring sessions that you've missed." she looked at him carefully, "does your dad know you've been skipping it?"


"can you tell me why you've been skipping it?" she asked.

"just waiting on bella, or i spend time with her or fix up some bikes for her." jacob rambled on.

"right." she hummed.

"vampire." he blurted.


he stared straight ahead at the road, "you know about the cullens? they're vampires." octavia's jaw dropped wide open, "i know. weird right? super crazy." he continued.


"not let me finish. long story short, she has to become one too. which is funny right? i'm in love with the girl is definitely going to become my one enemy as a member of this god damned pack." he sped up, octavia was definitely scared at this point. "she loves me. i know she does. and so i'm never ever going to give up on her, until the day she turns."

he quickly realised how fast he was driving and slowed down, they were near their destination anyways.

"sorry i didn't mean to drive that fast. i normally do these drives alone. i just wanted to tell you this so you could make up your mind about my love for bella, and not make up your mind from biased information from the pack."

octavia faced the front window, she honestly agreed with the pack. bella gave her a bad vibe but it wasn't her place to say this information. they enjoyed the silence for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"i," she started.

"i know." he mumbled.

"you didn't even let me finish." she raised her eyebrows, confused.

he nodded, "i know. i know what you were thinking though. that i'm stupid and that i shouldn't run after her. that i should give up because she'll never look at me that way." he said quietly.

"i wasn't."

"you were."

"okay i was." she admitted guiltily, "just let me wrap my head around this. please. imagine being in my shoes right now, i just found out my brother is a wolf and vampires are real."

jacob nodded, parking the car in a parking lot. he let octavia think, "just give me the truth." the car was silent again, as if time stopped.

octavia sighed, "yeah you're stupid. if she has to become a vampire there is no chance that you and her will ever get together. sorry if that's harsh but you asked for the truth and here it is. but if i were bella i'd be weirdly grateful." he looked at her shocked. "come on. a pretty handsome guy is in love with her, head over heels in love with her. and to be with him means i don't have to stay alive for the rest of eternity."

jacob was in disbelief.

"i think you should really just give her up." she continued, "but that's just my personal opinion." she shrugged, deciding to take charge of the conversation and stop talking about bella, "where are we?"

"the theater." jacob looked at octavia with a small smile.

"you pulled me out to go to the cinema?" they walked to the ticket booth, octavia took some cash out her wallet and jacob pushed her hand away, claiming it was his treat.

"it's harry potter and the sorcerers stone by the way." jacob said when they had bought the tickets and some popcorn. they found their seats, which wasn't hard as it was night. octavia looked around them and inspected those who were watching with them. what she concluded was that this hour was the hour for creeps and perverts so she was kind of afraid.

the two spoke quietly about octavia's life in texas. she admitted she missed the sun more than the people there.

"there's no way your hair is longer than mine!" she giggled.

"well it is, trust and believe." he shruggged.

"i think you'd look cuter without the pony tail. a short cut would suit you well." she whispered and jacob blushed. they greatly enjoyed each other presence and smile at each other as the movie finally started.

half way through the movie one of the people she had labelled as a creep got up and walked around the place before sitting a few seats from her left. she looked at him weirdly and he gave a weird smile. she decided to ignore him and continued watching.

the man got up again and walked around before this time sitting right beside octavia. she tensed up and the popcorn bucket began to shake in her lap.

"what? are you okay?" jacob asked, he looked at octavia then realised who was sitting beside her. he got up, towering above the creep and octavia moved from her seat to jacobs.

"stay away from my girlfriend." he snarled at the man who was afraid by jacob's height and aura. the main rushed off and jacob looked back at the girl who had a bright blush.

"wanna head home?" he asked and she shook her head no. he sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders, holding her close and tight as they continued the rest of the movie.

"girlfriend?" she asked after staying silent for about ten minutes.

"just so that freak didn't say something else, no biggie right?"

"no biggie."

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