forty eight

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"alright, it's gonna be a long drive though." jacob warned as he started driving, "if you need anything ava let me know."

"jacob i am not a baby. i am a grown woman, and you sound like sam." octavia replied, getting comfortable, "thank you though." she quickly blew him a kiss and he smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

"so, you're from texas?" rosalie asked octavia. her voice was soft and relaxing. octavia felt safe talking to her.

"yeah, born and raised. houston texas." she smiled.

"you've got the accent, it suits you." rosalie returned a smile.

"thank you." octavia was happy, "no offence to those in forks but i did not want to lose my southern accent for a forks one." she dramatically shuddered and they laughed.

"you and jasper should talk." emmett said from the front seat, rosalie nodded, "both from texas with the fear that you'll lose the accent. you'd get along will."

"and alice wanted to meet you to." jacob spoke. octavia looked at him from the rear view mirror. he winked at her and she blushed, keeping eye contact with him, "her and jasper wanted to come but i told them no."

"how come? it'd be more fun. we could've done a girls versus boys thing in bowling and laser tag." octavia asked him curiously.

he sheepishly broke eye contact, focusing on the road.

"he didn't want to ambush you." emmett replied for him, "meeting two vampires is already enough for your weak human heart."

"i am so not weak." she scoffed, "i've dealt with a lot, don't under estimate me vampire boy."

"i like her." rosalie grinned, the two girls high-fived.


at the bowling centre, they changed into their bowling shoes. octavia and rosalie were on the same team, they both were extremely competitive to win.

"just a warning," octavia said when she got up, she kissed jacob's cheek softly and giggled when he blushed, "i will crush you in this game."

he was taken back at her sudden change and octavia noticed. she and rosalie were willing to play dirty to win. rosalie gave her a thumbs up while jacob stood there stunned with emmett telling him to get a grip.

the game started and the girls were sweeping the boys. octavia and rosalie made a really good team. jacob and emmett were stressing, they knew they were in for a life time of boasting and jokes if they lost.

which they did. rosalie and octavaia beat them by a lot and the two boys were not good losers, especially emmett.

"you guys cheated!" he complained on the way to the car, "there's no way you guys won." he shook his head in disbelief while the two girls did their happy dances.

jacob smiled fondly at ava, grabbing her hair and spinning her around. she giggled and held his hand back, "sorry if i went too hard back there. but i'm competitive, i have to win."

"it's okay princess, just know emmett and i are going to end you both in laser tag." he said confidently and ava shook her head.

"sure thing babe."


emmett was already out of the laser tag game, rosalie and octavia had ambushed him when him and jacob split up because apparently 'divide and conquer' was the best technique.

so this meant octavia, rosalie and jacob were left in the game. the two girls already knew what they were going to do. they had this planned when the two boys were paying for their tickets to the laser tag place, their consequence for losing bowling.

octavia lay down on the floor dramatically. she yelled out in pain, really bringing in all her theatre tricks, "jacob? jacob! jacob, come quick!" she yelled out.

jacob was suspicious, "is everything okay?" he called. he stayed far away from her, hiding behind a bunch of boxes.

"please hurry, i fell." her voice started sounding more desperate and he hesitated.

"try getting up." he stayed behind the boxes.

octavia rolled her eyes, pretending to get up before falling again. she screamed out in pain, "my ankle!"

"that sounded too real." jacob whispered, "ava are you okay?"

"jacob please," he could practically hear the tears, "it hurts so badly."

fuck it. he rushed to where he cries were coming from and knelt down, "is it your right ankle?"

she nodded. she was crying, "jacob i'm a swimmer, and it hurts really bad. am i going to have to give up swimming? please tell me no." she looked at him sadly.

jacob was extremely concerned. she looked like she was in pain and since his sole reason to live was her so her being hurt meant he was hurt to. he didn't know what to do but stare in surprise.

before he could talk, he was shot. four times, one less than amount needed to lose. his jaw dropped slowly when he realised what had happened. they tricked him.

"sorry jacob." octavia grinned cheekily and shot him one more time. the boys lost. she spun the gun in her fingers and pretended to blow the smoke from it.

"you are crazy." jacob said to ava when the four of them were walking to the car.

she smiled and held his hand, swinging it, "did i scare you?" she asked.

"a lot." he opened the back seat for her and they both got in with rosalie in the passenger seat and emmett driving.

octavia snuggled up to jacob, running her hands through his hair, "i'm sorry if i scared you." she whispered quietly, kissing him cheek.

"it's okay," he smiled at her, slipping his arm around her waist, "i love you."

"i love you too." she blushed, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment.

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