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jacob and octavia played football until sunset. it was a very competitive game, with jacob winning 18-15. she drove back with jacob, complaining the whole time that some how jacob cheated and she deserved the win.

"it's true , it's true!" she said as they got out the car. jacob wrapped his arm around octavia's waist and pulled her close as they walked to the bonfire that was lit. octavia looked up at him happily before sitting beside paul, jacob on her left.
they chatted for a while, eating snacks and just relaxing as a family.

"hey guys!" bella's smiled, stuffing herself in between octavia and jacob. the southern girl rolled her eyes and paul made more space silently.

"where were you today?" jacob asked bella. everyone pretended to be busy as the spoke but octavia listened carefully.

"uh, i had a prior committment. and a lot of homework." bella bluffed. octavia looked at her, seeing hickies and marking over her. she was lying.

jacob didn't want to see this though. he saw what he wanted and therefore believed her silly little story about burning her neck multiple times when she straightened it. octavia rolled her eyes and paul noticed.

"i know." he rolled his too and octavia giggled, resting her head on his shoulder. her and paul were good friends and octavia knew they'd be good friends forever.

when billy wheeled in, he happily greeted everyone. the elders also gave polite greetings before sitting. sam looked at his sister and mouth if she was okay. she gave him a thumbs up back and grinned.

billy cleared his throat before beginning, "the quileute have been a small tribe from the beginning. and we've always had magic in our blood. we were great spirit warriors, shape-shifters that transformed to the powerful wolf. this enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. one day our warriors came across a creature that looked like man but was hard like stone and cold as ice. our warrior's sharp teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire would completely destroy it. they lived in fear the cold man was not alone. they were right." he took a brief moment to take a sip of his water.

in this moment, octavia looked at bella and jacob. she was practically sitting in his lap and for some reason it annoyed her and not in the same way it annoyed everyone else. she sighed quietly before looking at paul who was watching the elders carefully.

"she took her vengeance out on the village. our elder chief, taha aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. taha aki's third wife would see that we would lose. the third wife was no magical being, no special powers but one. courage."

octavia shivered and paul kindly wrapped his arm around her. whenever he did this she would giggle and make a joke about him being a portable heater. jacob side eyed them and frowned. he thought it was weird that they were so close, he felt jealous.

"the third wife sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for taha aki to destroy her. she saved the tribe. over time our enemies have disappeared but one remains. the cold ones. our magic awakens when they're near and we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. something terrible is coming and we must all be ready." billy finished.

"all of us." sam ended for him. the pack stayed quiet, enjoying the comfortable silence as the elders left. sam got up and sat on the big chair and caught everyone's attention.

"as you know, there's a vampire after bella." sam said her name with a bit of anger, it wasn't clear if it was about how there's a vampire or if it was about bella using jacob for her own satisfaction, "so everyone's going to help out."

"even me?" seth asked, his voice was excited and peppy which caused everyone to laugh fondly at him.

sam thought for a second, "not sure yet." seth pouted, "we will be working with the cullens on how to fight newborn vampires and we will fight along side them, whether you like it or not."

a lot of the pack grumbled, the majority of them disliked the cullens so having to work with them is a burden. sam went on about responsibilities and how he did not want to fight with the cullens because they needed them and the pack needed to save bella, as she was still human.

the pack whispered among themselves, clearly not happy that they had to work with the cullens. emily and octavia shared a look, they both knew what they were thinking.

"we wanna help." octavia stood up and emilly nodded, chiming in too.

sam almost laughed, "are you for real?"

octavia jokingly glared at him and nodded, "100% sure."

"you're both just regular humans." embry pointed out.

"first of all, we're pretty awesome." emily nudged him, "and no, we don't wanna fight. we wanna be your cooks." octavia smiled widely, pretty happy that they did have the same idea.

"some of you guys prefer eating in your human form so we wanna help with that." octavia continued, "we'll do lunch as well as snacks. just leave it all to us."

"but that means you'll be in the kitchen all day?" paul asked.

"a small sacrifice for eternal safety." she giggled.

bella squinted at her. she was annoyed that within a short amount of time octavia had made all the tribe members like her in such a short amount of time. she looked at jacob, who despite having his arm wrapped around bella's waist, was staring at octavia lovingly.

"there's no way he could have feelings for her, right? i mean sam would kill him for even thinking of his sister like that cause he thinks she's still a baby. but sam does hate the fact jacob loves me so maybe he'll not care at all if it means i'm out of the picture." bella thought to herself. she shook her head, deciding this was bogus and she probably made it up by herself.

"i gotta go." she whispered to jacob who looked at her sadly, she mentally smiled. jacob still loved her and she loved knowing that, "i'll see you tomorrow." he nodded and let go off her waist. she left silently, she had to do something to stop jacob from seeing octavia like that.

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