twenty two

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"jacob?" she whispered, slipping in. what she saw in front of her was horrific. his arm was in a cast and his hair was messy. he was all sweaty and he had tears streaming down his face.

"ava," he hummed. it seemed like he falling in and out of sleep. octavia grabbed a cold towel, wiping his face down and kissing his forehead. he smiled under her touch and she blinked to hold back her tears.

she wanted to ask if he had kissed bella but she wanted to spend time with him so she dropped it.

"how did it happen?" she asked, sitting on the chair beside his bed. he wanted her to get in with him but she was afraid to hurt him and she also wanted there to be distance between them too.

"bella happened." he mumbled. of course octavia did not want to hear jacob go on and on about her so tried to think of ways to change the subject, she was too late though, "her and edward are getting married. i found out right before the fight and i used it to help end newborns. but, um, i missed one and bella came back to the field. like a dumbass and she almost got badly hurt so i took the fall for her." he looked at her.

"married?" she was in shock. no way? does that mean bella is gonna stay away from jacob? there's no way she'd come back to the reservation if she was engaged, "so she's the reason you got hurt?" octavia asked.

"yeah." he hummed. both his heart and his bones.

"i'm sorry. if it makes you feel better, i punched her in the face. and if it doesn't i don't care i did it anyways." she whispered. she did feel bad for him. it must be hard knowing that your first love has broken up with you, "you hurt me you know. like really badly and it's so annoying because all i want to be with is you. even when i'm supposed to be sad, i want you. when i'm supposed to be angry. i want you. when i'm with you, i want you."

"ava." he sad up, "i'm sorry for hurting you. i really i am. i did not mean to string you along at all, i was trying to work things out and i thought if i had worked out my own problems we could be together. but my problems took over me and i'm sorry." octavia looked down at her feet. obviously she was extremely hurt but she didn't want to forgive him that easily.

"do you hate me?" jacob asked. he knew he had badly hurt her and he would not be surprised if she agreed. he had led her on while chasing another girl. jacob knew that it was wrong of him to do that, especially for a girl who did the same to him. 

octavia could not answer his question. she had the strongest feelings for him but he had hurt her incredibly that she was too scared to admit it just incase he does the same again. she fiddled with her fingers and bit her bottom lip harshly so she wouldn't cry.

"ava." he whispered and with his good arm, pulled her onto the bed. she tried to object but he was stronger so she gave up. she cuddled up in his chest and cried. she moved back and wiped her face, her eyes puffy and red like they've been for a while. she cuddled back up in his chest and he drew circles on her arm.

she had to admit, all she wanted to do right now was stare into his eyes. her heart was beating face and goosebumps on her arms appeared. jacob looked at her and she smiled sadly. he moved hair from her face and leaned in kissing random parts of her face.

he paused above her lips and looked at her for consent, she nodded and simutaneously they leaned in. when they kissed, she felt fireworks. their lips moved in sync and octavia's hand trailed to his shirt which she gripped. jacob could feel butterflies in his stomach, octavia's lips were soft and perfect. he could go kiss her forever. he wanted to.

he couldn't though because octavia pulled away. she blushed red and his her face in his chest. "you're so cute." he whispered, pulling her closer if that was even possible.

"you're crazy." she whispered. she climbed out of the bed and walked to the door. he stared at her confused, why was she leaving?

"i'm just getting dressed into pyjamas. and i'm bringing food." she smiled.

"you can wear my clothes." he offered. he did not want her to go.

"i still need to get food." she blew a kiss which he pretended to catch and put on his heart. she blushed and skipped out the room.

in the back of her mind she had one question that she was afraid to ask him. did jacob really kiss bella?

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