thirty two

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"ready guys?" sam asked. the boys had plans that day to find jacob and bring him home. it was going to be a busy day for them and they needed strength and team work.

"ready boss!" seth called. he was excited to help out. even though he had grown a lot sam always made sure he had his homework done before joining the guys. this was one of the few times were he didn't have to finish anything to join in.

sam gave the entire pack a nod, and within seconds they had phased and were on the run. embry and quil ran one direction together, paul and seth on the other, a few new pack members grouped together and sam ran alone. normally leah would join him but to not worry octavia, she had to go on their girls trip. ugh girls.

"paul shut up!" sam could hear seth and paul banter with each other. he let our a small howl, basically telling them to stop. this was no time for jokes, they needed jacob home.

they pack ran for what seemed like hours with no sign of jacob.


after about two hours on the road, the girls had finally arrived at their hotel. they checked in as soon as they got there and jumped into their comfortable beds.

octavia and leah decided they would share while emily, the bride to be, got her own. they rested for about ten minutes, relaxing and chatting shit. emily got up and stretched.

"we our dress fitting soon," she told the two girls, "we'll be there until 4.30pm, it's 2.30 right now, then we will go to the spa in the hotel and relax!"

leah and octavia squealed.

"then we will come back and rest. we leave tomorrow early in the morning, how does that sound?"



"i can hear him! sam, guys come east." embry yelled from a side of the forest. everyone rushed to him. it took them about three minutes to regroup, with the youngest of the pack being the last to join.

they all strained their ears in silence. there was no sound in entire forest. their eyes dashed from left to right, hoping they could hear jacob again.

seth, who had missed jacob the most out of the pack, was about to jump embry for raising a false alarm until they heard footsteps coming from sam's right.

"jake? jake if that's you, come to us." sam yelled in his alpha voice. if jacob was still in the pack then he would hear this, and he can't disobey an alpha's call.

the forest went silent again and the footsteps grew louder and louder.

"she's back." seth called out, "octavia, she's back. and leah told me what she thinks, personally i think she came back for you jake." sam glared at seth. the last time they almost got jacob home, paul made the mistake of thinking of her and it caused jacob to run away again.

thinking that jacob had turned around and decided not to return, the wolves hung their head low. this was supposed to be octavia's homecoming present and now it was ruined.


the girls walked around the store happily. this was their idea of heaven and it contrasted the boys busy day. the theme for emily and sam's wedding was summer. those in suits were expected to wear dark grey suits and those in dressed were expected to wear light grey dresses.

the bridemaids, leah and octavia were to wear a beautiful medium shade of beige. octavia picked up a few dresses to try and so did leah.

leah tried on her dresss first. the first one had lace at the top with a long flowy part as the skirt and a huge leg slit. octavia loved it, saying that the leg slit was perfect for her whereas emily wasn't as happy. she thought the lace was weird.

so she tried on another. this was a one shoulder dress that was cinched at the waist and flowed beautifully. the two watchers were obsessed and claimed "it was the dress!" but leah wasn't as satisfied and tried on her final dress.

she was getting nervous, afraid that none of the dresses she had chosen were going to suit her. she defeatedly put on the final dress she chose which was an a-line dress with a square neckline. it draped across the floor dramatically as it was floor lengthed and it had a beautiful leg slit.

leah blushed, she knew this was the dress. she walked out with a new found confidence and shocked octavia and emily. leah did a little spin before standing on the podium, "i think this is the dress!"

the two girls nodded in agreement and when leah had dressed back into her normal clothes, they started at octavia who was quite nervous.

the first dress she tried on was a spaghetti strapped dress. it was plain and was a loose fit. everybody knew that was not her dress.

her second dress was a big tighter. it was a mermaid sillohute and floorlengthed.

"i don't like it, it doesn't suit leah's dress at all so it'll be a mess." octavia spoke. the two girls agreed so she tried on another dress.

this one was a layred dress, it had a big skirt which annoyed octavia. emily loved it and leah was unsure so back to the dressing room she went.

octavia was beginning to get annoyed, how could a store with this many dresses not own a dress that fit the criteria for the wedding and fit octavia as a person?

she tried on a couple more dressed and none of them were fitting her correctly. she had one more dress left in the changing room. leah and emily were starting to get nervous.

octavia stared at herself in the mirror, "come on." she whispered, "you are octavia uley. you're a badass. you've got this. you don't need anyone but you. but just think how much jacob is gonna like this dress." she gave herself a pep talk and regained some confidence.

she put on the final dress and felt different. she looked at herself then at the dress then back at herself again. oh my god.

she took a deep breath before walking out of the dressing room. her strut had confidence and was model-like. emily grinned from ear to ear and leah practically had tears in her eyes.

this was the dress.


holy shit thank you for 2k reads

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