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this continued for the next two weeks. in the morning octavia would cook with emily. after lunch she'd watch the pack and the cullen's prepare for the upcoming fight which was said to take place when the snow hits the ground. after practice, jacob and octavia would either go on a fun date or relax in her room.

with the door open, so sam didn't have to give octavia the uncomfortable talk.

after their date or relaxing evening, they'd sit in the garage and work on her car. well jacob would work on the car and octavia would watch. it was often that she would sit and say nothing, because bella would crash their time together.

so after the first week, octavia would leave jacob and bella alone in there. she did not want to seem possessive and crazy but she also could not bear to see bella and jacob flirt with each other. one evening she sat outside the garage, reading her book silent when paul saw her.

"i thought you were hanging with jacob?" he asked and sat beside her.

she rolled her eyes when he mentioned the boys name and paul looked shocked, "trouble in paradise?"

"it's nothing paul." she sighed and he frowned.

"now how are we supposed to be best friends if we don't confide in each other?" he nudged her, "come on. i'll make you my famous cookies."

"you have a deal."


so there they were. paul and octavia in her room, eating cookies and ice cream with a random sad movie in the background, eating their feelings. well mostly octavia eating her feelings. they spoke and spoke about how annoying jacob was being.

"so it's like he imprinted on me but he stills spends the rest of the day with bella. flirting with her and completely forgetting i exist. like i'm in the same room as him paul! he doesn't even have the audacity to give me some respect and flirt with her." she complained, "and when i tell him about it he goes on with the silly little 'i'm sorry, forgive me baby please.'" she mocked him and paul laughed at her imitation.

"and what do you do when he says that?" he asked carefully, wanting to make it clear that he did not want to overstep boundaries.

"you're gonna think i'm stupid." she mumbled, clearly embarrassed of her reaction to how jacob would fuck her up.

"i'm not! this is a safe space."

she looked at him with tears in her eyes, "i run back to him. and i tell him that i'm okay with it but i'm not." she wiped her eyes, "i know we've only been going on dates for a short while but i seriously like him paul. i don't want him to leave me."

paul could hear how heartbroken she was so he hugged her tightly. tthey said nothing but enjoyed their comfort.


the next day on jacob and octavia's date at a diner, she noticed he seemed off. he would constantly check his phone, barely replying to her questions with any enthusiasm, he didn'teven look at her.

octavia twirled her pasta with her fork, "do you even like me jacob?" she asked. he looked at her confused on what she meant, "don't act so dense. you know exactly what i'm talking about." it was clear that she had enough and that she was angry. jacob had never seen her pissed but according to sam, it wasn't a pretty sight.


"octavia." she corrected him harshly. she never did that.

"octavia. what are you talking about? of course i like you."

"well it doesn't feel like that." he didn't reply so she continued, "this is the third time we've hung out this week and all you've done is text god knows who on your phone. you didn't listen to anything i said, it's like i'm not even here." she rambled.

"i was listening," he tried to save himself.

"ok then. what was my childhood pet called?" she quizzed him.

his mind blanked and he said nothing for a few seconds. octavia felt like she was about to cry. she blinked hard, got up and grabbed her phone. she stood up and before she walked out said, "trick question. i didn't have a pet." her voice cracked as she spoke before she ran out of the diner, tears rapidly falling down her face.

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