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emily and octavia continued their lunch time work everyday for almost a week and a half. after they were would serve the food, emily stayed on the field and relaxed but octavia couldn't stand seeing bella so she would go home straight away and make some excuse about needed to clean.

because of this her and billy got quite close. he became a father figure to her and she was glad that they were practically family now.

when octavia would head home she usually took sam's car to the nearest pool. it was about a forty minute drive but she was fine with that. she practiced her strokes and even broke some of her personal records.

the pool had to be closed for one day though. something about a competition and octavia didn't have money to buy tickets. she needed a job.

only emily and billy knew about her trips to the pool and when emily saw her throw her swimming bag back into her room she asked why she wasn't going today.

"pools closed." she shrugged, "i decided to stay and watch them practice. paul said it's cool to see and even cooler to do." she smiled before they got into their cars and drove to the fields.

octavia dressed pretty that day. her and jacob would spend nights together, watching tv or learning how to ride his motorcycle so she started dressing with a bit more enthusiasm.

she also had gotten used to taking the table table to serve food out but she let jacob do it for her. any chance to speak to him and she would take it, even if bella hated it.

once everyone had ate, emily and octavia cleared up and then sat on top of one of the cars. emily explained she did this so she could see everything happen.

octavia did flinch when sam phased. this was her first time seeing him in his wolf form and she gasped loudly, emily giggled. it was clear that his form was her favourite. but out of all the quilete wolf forms, octavia preferred leah's form.

jacob was still chatting to bella when everyone phased. sam snarled at him to hurry up and he did. octavia flinched again when the loud sound of clothes ripping happened. she blinked and  jacob was already done phasing.

he felt different phasing this time. his heart was racing fast and he felt like he could barely breathe. sam rushed over to him, rolling him over with his paw. jacob rolled and whined. emily sat up straight and tensed. edward frowned. carlisle stared in disbelief while jasper worked on calming the mood.

"jake. jake. jake!" embry was confused on what was happening, his best friend was going through something weird.

jacob got up after a few seconds, looking around quickly. everyone was staring at him. he looked her straight in the eyes and howled, running to the car she was on and kneeling down.

"it can't be?" edward whispered. bella asked what was going on, rosalie's jaw dropped in disbelief.

in jacob's mind, and the packs, they knew exactly what was going on. they could all see it. flashforwards of jacob and octavia growing up together, buying a house together, holidays, birthdays and more.


"jacob, stop!" octavia giggled, he was dancing like a fool on the beach. he didn't stop so octavia got up, joining him in on the laughter and horrible dance moves.

he smirked, picking her up and running for the ocean. she squealed, begging for him to stop which he didn't. he ran and ran then jumped into the ocean with octavia clinging onto him. under the water, they both opened their eyes and when they resurfaced she wrapped her arms and legs around him, kissing him happily.


jacob had imprinted on octavia.

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