forty seven

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octavia stood up straight, feeling threatened. she thought about the last time she saw bella and edward. she punched bella, causing her to bleed and leave a terrible bruise and edward was furious.

she didn't feel comfortable talking to bella or edward without somebody around. she thought they were crazy and needed to be locked up.

"hi octavia." edward repeated. she stared at him, giving him no answer. he probably could read her mind and this pissed her off. to her, he was the ultimate freak and nosy bastard.

"where is jacob?" bella asked. octavia frowned when she said his name. she always said it weirdly, like she had him in the palm of her hand. but she didn't anymore. jacob loves her, not bella.

"inside. he's getting rosalie and emmett." she replied like she didn't have a care in the world. edward knew otherwise and this annoyed her.

"i wanted to say sorry." bella spoke, she sounded sincere, "i was out of line when we first met and i'm sorry for that." octavia stared at her coldly. she said nothing so bella continued, "i knew jacob imprinted on you and i still tried to get in between you and caused unnecessary heartbreak for everyone. i'm truly sorry and i hope one day we can be friends."

"and i'm sorry too." edward spoke this time. "i should not have came in between you and jacob. i should have let him speak to you about what happened and i had no right getting involved. i hope you can forgive me and once again i am sorry."

octavia was about to reply but stopped when she heard jacob and emmett speaking, "ava you okay?" he pushed through bella and jacob.

his natural protector instincts came out. he stared at her carefully, making sure she wasn't hurt. she nodded and smiled, "i'm okay."

"okay let's go." he barely even gave bella and edward a second glance. this made her heart skip a beat and her legs feel weak. she got into the back seat of the car and composed herself.

"hey, i'm emmett." the muscle man in the passenger seat smiled. he reached his hand over and octavia shook it. she tried not to flinch at the coldness of his hand, she was so used to being around jacob who radiated so much heat.

"i'm octavia. it's so great to meet you, officially." octavia remembered him as the big guy who was strong and good at fighting.

rosalie was looking into her hand mirror, fixing her hair. she out it in her bag then turned and faced octavia, "hi! i'm rosalie, i'm emmett's wife." she smiled and octavia was stunned at her beautiful she was.

her hair was perfect, her outfit hung against her body perfectly and she had the best smile ever. octavia warmly smiled back, shaking her head gently and reintroducing herself.

"you sure you're okay ava?" jacob asked once more. he looked at her from the mirror and she smiled.

"i am okay, don't worry."

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