Himiko Toga

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Your girlfriend was strange.

It wasn't a rare occurrence to have her break into your house. You told her she didn't have to keep picking your locks, and climbing through your windows. If she knocked you'd let her in, hell you even offered her your spare key, but she insisted it was more fun like that. So you got used to coming home to her watching tv on your couch, and waking up to her cuddled up to you with your bedroom window wide open.

She liked to bite. When she laid on your chest and started playing with your fingers, you knew to brace yourself because a chomp was coming. Love bites, she'd tell you. "It's like a kiss, but better!"

She liked to take your clothes, and in exchange she'd demand you wear hers. When you suggested that the two of you get matching hoodies, she squealed and jumped around your bedroom at the idea.

At first the affection was strange and foreign to you, but eventually you grew used to it.

You didn't really understand her, or why she did what she did. Why she even liked you, for that matter. You knew she was a villain, but you didn't really care. She was yours. Strange, but yours.

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I REALLY don't like this one. But it's been collecting dust in my drafts for forever. So here. Toga is a hard character to write for, I can't see her ever being in any sort of normal or healthy relationship so uuuuh yeah. Ok bye bye

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