ashido mina

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Mina is a Once

Yet another sigh slipped past your lips as your teacher droned on about... what was it again? Oh whatever, you didn't care anyways. You were just about to drift off to sleep, something hit you on the back of your head. Looking for whoever the hell had the audacity to pull that shit, you were met with the sharp-toothed smile of your dearest friend, Kirishima Eijirou.  He nodded towards a piece of crumpled up paper on the ground, obviously wanting you to pick it up.

It read simply, 'I know who you like.'
You almost choked upon reading it. There was no way he knew. He must be bluffing to see if you could slip up and tell him somehow. Yeah. That's it.

You once again turned to face him, with the intention of giving him a face. You know the one. The 'thats bullshit and you know it' face. He only rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat. The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. You stood, stretching your stiff limbs and made for the door.

"Yo (Y/N) wait up!" Called Kirishima. He was smiling again.

"Kiri what the hell was up with you earlier?" You asked before elbowing him in the side, lightly of course. His face lights up as he exclaims, " Because I really do know!"

"Sure you do. And i-" you didn't get a chance to finish because he had taken ahold of your shoulders and interjected.

"It's Mina!" The color drained from your face and you just about pissed yourself when said girl curiously approached the two of you. "What about Mina?" She asked

"Not you! A different Mina! Myoui Mina! From Twice, the girl group!" You quickly shouted, knowing full well how suspicious you sounded. Kirishima looked at you with a face of disappointment.

You were surprised to see that Mina's face lit up at the mention of the group. "Oh my God I love Twice! Their new song is so good!" Suddenly her phone was in your face, displaying her wallpaper of the nine members as pink aliens. You couldn't help but giggle because it was too perfect.

"What're you laughing for?" She asked, putting her phone away.

"Ah, it was just really cute how you got all excited."

"You think I'm cute? Because I think you're cute too!" She leaned over and pecked your cheek before hurrying out of the room, leaving you dumbfounded.

What just happened?


i love my wife!!!!!

i love my wife!!!!!

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