1-A Love Language HCs

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Short headcanons of how I think class 1-A expresses their love for you <3

Aoyama Yuuga- words of affirmation! Constantly telling you how beautiful and wonderful and talented you are. He takes every opportunity to show you off, to literally everyone.

Ashido Mina- physical touch! Loves cuddles more than anything. She likes laying on top of you, and nuzzling her face into your neck. She'll press little kisses from your collarbone to your jaw and you can feel her smile against your skin.

Asui Tsuyu- quality time! Just being alone together is enough for her. The fact that you want to spend time with her, even when you're doing absolutely nothing makes her so happy.

Iida Tenya- acts of service! He loves being helpful, anything to make your day a bit easier. Ask him to help with chores/errands and he'll be on it in a second!

Uraraka Ochako- quality time! Just being with you is enough to send her over the moon. She honestly wants to spend all her free time with you, and the two of you have had many secret sleepovers in your dorm.

Ojiro Mashirao- physical touch! Oh man he loves giving hugs, and he gives the best hugs. They're warm and comforting, and he wraps his tail around you to pull you even closer!

Kaminari Denki- words of affirmation! Love love loves giving you compliments! Whether it be about how cute you look today, or telling you how much you've improved with your quirk. He likes it when he's able to get you to blush from a little compliment.

Kirishima Eijirou- words of affirmation! You're this boy's entire world and he's not afraid to tell you. God forbid you're ever feeling down on yourself, because he will sit you down and list every little thing he loves about you.

Kouda Kouji- quality time! Just likes being around you. He's a big fan of simple dates, ones where you just bask in each others company. Walks in the park, or just hanging out in your rooms together are his favorites.

Satou Rikidou- gift giving! He of course loves to bake you treats. At least once a week he'll leave a cutely wrapped pastry on your desk in the morning. He thinks you're very cute when you're enjoying something he made for you.

Shouji Mezou- physical touch! He's got a lot of hands, and he puts them to good use! When you're out together he always keeps a firm hand on your back, just to make sure he doesn't lose you. He's also fond of ruffling up your hair when you do something he thinks is cute.

Jirou Kyoka- gift giving! She doesn't give actual physical gifts, instead she dedicates most of her songs to you. It's really sweet honestly, hearing her pour all of her feelings for you into such amazing music. You're also the first person to hear anything new she makes.

Sero Hanta- physical touch! Oh man you can't keep this guys hands off of you. Back hugs, hand holding, and hair playing are daily occurrences with him. He can't help it though, you're soft and warm and you make him happy! Let him love on you please.

Tokoyami Fumikage- quality time! He likes doing things together, but separately if that makes sense. Most of the time, you sit in his room reading your own books and making offhand comments every so often. He likes the peace that you give him. (As for dark shadow, they're a snuggle monster and will smother you with affection)

Todoroki Shouto- words of affirmation! He can tell when you're feeling down, and tries his best to make you feel better. Nervous about an upcoming test? He makes sure that you know that you're more than capable! You mean so much to him and seeing you sad is just not acceptable.

Hagakure Tooru- physical touch! She's invisible, so she likes to make sure you can feel her! That way you know she's always there for you. Whenever you're together she holds your hand, or holds onto your arm.

Bakugou Katsuki- acts of service! Helps you in the most aggressive way possible. He sees you struggling to open your drink and wordlessly snatches it from you, opens it, and gives it back. Says something like, "just ask for help next time, you looked like a dumbass trying so hard." He's blushing the whole time though, he cares about you very much.

Midoriya Izuku- acts of service! Doing things for you makes him feel like he's making himself useful. Everyday, without fail, he will offer to carry your bag. Even if you say no he'll still persist. Anything to make your day a little easier, hell do in a heartbeat.

Mineta Minoru- physical touch! Yeah... it's not a secret that he likes being able to touch you. BUT! It's not always in a creepy way. It's painfully obvious that he's a really insecure guy, and just being close to someone who genuinely cares about him makes him so happy.

Yaoyorozu Momo- gift giving! Coming from such a well of family, as well as having her quirk, makes giving gifts come naturally to her. Whenever she sees something that reminds her of you, she'll get it. She definitely has brought you everything she's ever seen that has your favorite animal on it...

This is a bit different than what I usually write, but I've been in a slump when it comes to writing scenarios, so I decided to try HCs! Personally my love language is physical touch! I love being affectionate. If you know your love language tell me what it is :)

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