Sero Hanta

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It was no secret that you and Sero were comfortable with each other. The two of you hadn't met all that long ago, but you got along so well it was as if you'd known each other for years. You had quickly taken to calling him your best friend, and with your friendship, came your high levels of physical affection.

Whenever you were together you would always be touching somehow. Holding hands in the hallway, resting your head on his shoulder during lunch, and hugs from behind were of the most common gestures shared between the both of you. You were lucky that you had met someone so comfortable with all of your touching. You had the tendency to scare people off with your displays of affection.

Now, you found yourself in a bit of a predicament. You truly cherished your relationship with him, but in the past few days you found your feelings for him changing. When he would take your hand into his, your heart seemed to skip and the tips of your ears would burn scarlet. You had to fight the urge to jerk it away from him to save yourself some embarrassment, because it would almost immediately start sweating. And when you sat arm to arm with him in the cafeteria, you pondered what it would be like to have his arms wrapped around your midsection while you sat on his lap, and his chin perched on your shoulder.

These persistent little thoughts made you a bit more tense around him. Maybe he would notice the clamminess, or the blushing, or the fact that you wanted to lean further into his touch. And he would realize that you had feelings for him and possibly reject them. But when your would go rigid whenever he touched you, he noticed that.

When he texted you asking to talk later, you panicked. You wanted to so badly ignore it, but you couldn't. You couldn't say no to him. So you stood in front of his door trying to bring yourself to knock. As you steeled yourself to do the deed, the door swung open. Sero stood in the opening anxiously shifting his weight between his feet.

"Hey..." he said, moving to make room for you to come in. Once past him you stood in the center of his room, a room you've become very familiar with over your time in high school. From behind you, you can hear him sigh.

"Ok I'll just rip the bandaid off and get it over with... (y/n) did I do something wrong? Because like for the past like week you've been acting all weird around me and if I did something that made you uncomfortable please tell me yeah? Whatever I did I definitely didn't mean to," at this point he was standing in front of you, his arms crossed at his waist rubbing nervous circles on his elbows.

You stared at him with wide eyes. You didn't know what you were expecting but it wasn't this. All your efforts to hide your changing feelings went and hurt his feelings, now you just felt like an asshole.

"No... you didn't do anything I'm just like, stupid or something," your stomach was uneasy, "the truth is I think that I really really like you," you were fully sweating, "but I'm scared, I like the way we are now. I didn't wanna throw that all away because we don't feel the same about each other..."

It was his turn to gape at you now, if the mood in the room weren't so serious you'd laugh at his goofy expression. In a split second his expression changed, he smiled at you and you felt your knees go weak. He stepped forward and grasped your shoulders, before pulling you into a bone crushing hug.

"You're right, that is pretty stupid. I really like you too, you know? I have for a while now. I guess that makes me stupid too, for not telling you sooner."

You had long since hugged him back, but pulled back slightly to look at his face.

"So are we like... dating now?" You asked. He let out a soft laugh, and leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"Yeah, I think we are."

*Starts barking like a fuckign dog* I have so many emotions for sero he's so lovely. Anyways sorry for taking so long I've still been fixating on other stuff .... anyways thank u for reading Also I'm going to ask A QUESTION in the next chapter y'all better answer my question or I will cry. Ok bye

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