(Brother) Shigaraki Tomura

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(a purely familial relationship! no incest in my good home! also slight izuku x reader 4 the plot)


"would you maybe like to go on a date with me?" you stared up at the boy in front of you. never in your life, had you ever imagined being in such a situation. the boy you were supposed to be studying, so to speak, had just presented you the perfect opportunity to grow closer to him. you had become so lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice how uncomfortable midoriya had become.

"uhm, if you don't want to I understand..." he trailed off. you jumped out of your seat, startling the boy so bad he almost fell over.

"sorry! you just caught me off guard! I would love to go on a date with you!" you could practically see the wave of relief wash over him as he finally moved to meet your gaze. his face was flushed completely, from the tips of his ears to the base of his neck.

"ok! so uh, could we meet at the park? on Saturday at noon maybe?"  he asked nervously. you gave a smile and nodded.

"i'll see you then."


your nose wrinkled as you entered the bar, the mildewy smell as prominent as ever. kurogiri stood behind the bar, as always it seemed, and gave you a small wave. you waved back and turned to your brother who sat at one of the barstools with a drink in hand. he didn't acknowledge you until you slid into the seat next to him.

"hey," you sighed, resting your cheek on your palm.

"did anything worthwhile happen today?"

"yeah, I guess. I got asked out on a date."

"and you said no right?"

"what? why would say no?" perplexed you turned to face your brother. his jaw was clenched and the the glass that he once held was now a pile of ash on the bar.

"because i didn't send you to that shit ass school to go on dates."

"but i'm doing what you asked me to do! you said to get them to trust me, did you not? I'm doing this for you!" he didn't respond. you stood up out of your chair, making it fall to the ground with a clang. he was always like this. difficult. never satisfied with anything you did. seemed as if he didn't care how hard you try to please him. you turned on your heel and made for the door.

"oi! the fuck are you going?" he barked.

you looked over your shoulder, "on a walk. I don't feel like dealing with your bitching right now."

the door closed with a resounding clatter as you left, grumbling curses under your breath. you didn't know where you were going, but you needed to be alone. fights with your brother had been growing more frequent. maybe it was the excess of hormones that came with puberty; or maybe by some miracle or curse or whatever the hell you want to call it, you didn't agree with the things he was doing. you couldn't stop the tears that fell. try as you might, harshly wiping at your face with the rough sleeve of your school blazer.

when you finally stopped you found yourself near a small pond, lush greenery surrounded the edges and the sound of insects buzzed throughout the humid air. you sat where you stood, the damp ground seeping through your bottoms.

"wonderful. crying like a baby and now my ass is wet." you chuckled at your own misfortune. things just weren't working out for you today. hands absently poked and prodded around in the wet grass,  pulling out individual blades every so often. you were broken out of your pensive state when your name was called from behind you.

you didn't turn around. quite frankly you were scared. not of him, but of what could happen to the both of you. he was all you had left. you were terrified of losing him. he moved from where he stood behind you, crouching to sit cross legged to your left. you still refused to face him. despite your fear of losing the only family you had left, you didn't want him to see your face. tear stained and blotchy red, a small stream of snot running from your nose and sweaty hair plastered to your forehead.

the silence was thick. neither sibling dating to be the one to utter the first word. he shifted beside you.

"(y/n)." he stated, "look at me." you shot a sideways glance at him. absent were the many hands that usually held him. his eyes were trained on you, as you hesitantly scooted yourself to face him. he reached out and placed his hand gently onto your knee, one finger extended to keep from hurting you. a small smile played across your lips at the gesture. he didn't need to do that. your quirk negated his. but he did it anyways.

"you're smiling," he observed. you finally moved to meet his gaze only to find him in a similarly disheveled state. even more than usual.

"did you actually follow me the entire way here?" you asked, "thought you would've just made kurogiri send you straight to me." he shook his head.

"i can't lose you. you're so precious to me. my little sister. the thought of someone taking you away from me..." he swallowed dryly.

"i know. we were always there for each other. nothing will ever change that, yeah? I'll always be your baby sister. through thick and thin I'm there for you."  you placed your hand on the top of his head, his hair was brittle and dry, but somehow the feeling comforted you. it was a familiar and safe feeling.
he smiled softly, rising to his feet. you were hoisted up with him.

"come on," he said,

"let's go back home."

yaha. Sorry for the extended absence. I'm a lazy and depressed bastard. my interest for bnha has waned lots over the past months but I thought writing for the characters could help me rekindle my love for the series... anyways thank you for reading

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