♠️ Chapter Six: Soulmates? ♠️

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A/N Delilah is wearing the same clothes she wore in the previous chapter.

The Doctor put the Tardis in a steady orbit as both girls watched in astonishment. He whisked around the console flicking switches and turning knobs with a smile so large it looked like it hurt - he was in his element.

The Doctor turned to both girls rubbing his hands together, "Now, who wants to see their room?" His eyes shinned brightly with excitement.

"We get our own rooms?" Delilah questioned him stunned at his question, her hands covering her gaping mouth. How could they possibly have their own rooms, they just boarded the Tardis.

The Doctor wore a smug grin, straightening his bow tie as he huffed, "Well of course, the Tardis is a telepathic sentient being! She has already designed it to your liking."

Delilah's mouth dropped, "Wow," she whispered.

Amy didn't want to waste any time. She ran up to the Doctor, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Delilah and the Doctor laughed at Amy's excitement. He smiled at Amy, "If you look behind you," the Doctor point to an array of lights leading down a corridor, "she will take you to your room."

The Tardis knew her thief needed time alone with his soulmate, she was more than willing to help. She herself was ecstatic about his soulmate's arrival.

Amy rushed off in the indicated direction with a large smile and yelled over her shoulder, "Thank you!"

Delilah let out a small giggle, she was happy Amy had her imaginary friend back. She was finally able to live her long awaited dream.

The Doctor turned to Delilah holding out his hand and offered a content smile, "Would you like to come with me? I'll show you to your room."

Delilah nodded taking his hand and walked down the hallway with him. Again, at their contact, small shocks of warmth shot through their arms - both sighing in content.

Delilah turned her gaze to the Doctor as they turned a corner walking down another hallway, "You never told me about the sparks. I mentioned it two years ago." Delilah spoke gently not wanting to overstep her boundaries. But then quickly added, "Sorry, you...you don't have to answer it, if you're-"

The Doctor interrupted Delilah placing his other hand on her arm, "You don't have to apologise Mae. You can ask me anything you want; I'll give you the best answer I can. Why don't I tell you about the sparks once we've settled into your room." He gave her a reassuring smile.

Delilah nodded and continued forward with the Doctor.

The Tardis led Delilah and the Doctor to her room. The latter rolled his eyes when he noticed that the Tardis conveniently placed her room next to his - that being when he used one - but smiled, nonetheless.

They stopped at her door. It was a dark red wood, probably mahogany, and flower designs were burned into the wood creating a border. Her name was written in black calligraphy in the middle and a small window sat above it. But when she looked through the window, it wasn't her room that was displayed but the stars.

Delilah stared in awe at the door. It was beautiful. She was stunned, her mouth agape and eyes wide as she turned back and forth between the Doctor and her door. The Doctor saw her expression and laughed, "If you're in this state at the door, you'll faint when you see the room," he joked.

Delilah snapped out of her trance, stroking the door and whispered a soft thank you to the Tardis. She received a small hum in return.

The Doctor smiled at their interaction, he loved that his two girls were getting along greatly.

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