♠️ Chapter Fifteen: Professor River Song ♠️

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Delilah Mae's Outfit

~~~Delilah Mae's Outfit

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Delilah woke but didn't open her eyes. She had one of the best sleeps of her entire life. She clutched tighter to her pillow and snuggled deeper. However, she was responded with her pillow vibrating and a deep chuckle emitting from above her.

"Enjoying yourself, are we?"

Delilah jumped slightly in the grip around her waist and peered up at the voice. She found the Doctor staring at her amused with a smirk playing on his lips. A light blush dusted over her cheeks, placing her face back on the Doctor's chest. "Yes," she mumbled quietly against his chest, her cheeks burning even brighter than before. Silently, praying the Doctor couldn't feel the heat on his chest.

The Doctor laughed in response, running his hand through her hair, a large smile engulfing his features.

The duo laid in silence, entrapped in each other's warm and comfort. The Doctor leaned his head back against the headboard and sighed softly. He hadn't felt this content in a long time.

"Thank you," Delilah whispered gently reaching to grab his free hand. "For last night," Delilah paused as she played with his fingers, "I...I am so grateful. Really, it means a lot that you stayed with me."

The Doctor smiled, "I'll always be there for you Mae." He tightened his grip on her, "It sounded like your brother was one amazing boy."

Delilah let a small smile fall onto her lips, "Yeah, he was," she whispered lightly.

The pair of soulmates basked in each other's warmth and indulged in the silence of the room. No words needed to be spoken, the tranquillity of the room spoke for itself. Delilah was comforted so much her body unconsciously started to fall into slumber, but before she fully could her door slammed open.

"Up and at em sunshine, we've-" Amy slammed the door open, causing Delilah to jump and the Doctor - too shocked to register fell out of bed.

Amy quickly assessed the situation her eyes going back and forth between Delilah and the Doctor. Both were in bed-well the Doctor now on the floor. Delilah and the Doctor's cheeks were flushed slightly. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Amy questioned, a smirk playing on her lips as she leaned on the door.

The Doctor jumped to his feet and cleared his throat, "It's not what it looks like."

Amy nodded her head a large smile playing on her lips, "uh-huh I'm sure, I mean it never is, is it?" watching Delilah's cheeks go darker despite nothing truly happening. "I'll leave you both to it, but don't be too long," she waved her arms about and turned to head out of the room. But before she left, Amy looked over her shoulder giving Delilah a look that screamed, tell me everything.

Once Amy left the room, Delilah let out a breath and her blush never fading.

The Doctor stood awkwardly looking back and forth between where Amy once was and Delilah, the light blush still evident on his cheeks. The Doctor couldn't feel more out of place. He cleared his throat, "Well, I should-" he pointed towards the door slightly taking a step towards it, "go."

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