♠️ Chapter Eighteen: Big Mistake ♠️

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A/N: Delilah Mae's Outfit is as detailed in Chapter Fifteen.

Bob entered the chamber where Angelo and Christian were last seen. His torch flickered between the statues as he wandered aimlessly in the chamber.

"Bob, come and see this." The radio addressed Bob mimicking Angelo's voice.

Bob grabbed his radio, "Angelo?"

"Come and see what we've found."

"Are you with Christian? The Bishop said you'd be five minutes," Bob responded to the radio.

"I'm here, Bob. Come and see this."

Bob sighed, "Where are you?" He didn't want to be separated from the main group for very long.

"Through the arch, Bob. Honestly, you've got to come and see this."

"What have you found?" he questioned; his voice trembled slightly.

"Come and see."

"No. What is it?" Bob questioned, he hoped Angelo would just tell him. He wasn't comfortable being surrounded with the statues.

"Come and see."

Bob sighed shakily and walked cautiously into the side chamber. His mouth parted slightly and eyes wide in alert. Sweat slowly dripped down the side of his face as his heart beat furiously in his chest. Bob kept his rifle pointed forward with his torch light attached. He gaze wandered through the side chamber. But before he could react, the last sight the young Cleric saw was the face of an Angel.


Delilah stood next to Amy, her eyes frantically moving between the Angels.

"But there was only one Angel on the ship. Just the one, I swear," River expressed.

"Could they have been here already?" Amy asked breathlessly, finally realising the seriousness of the whole ordeal.

The Doctor ignored her question, "The Aplans. What happened? How did they die out?"

"Nobody knows," River responded.

"We know."

Octavian gazed at the Angels quizzically, his head tilting, "They don't look like Angels."

"And they're not fast," Amy commented, "You said they were fast. They should have had us by now."

The Doctor crouched down and moved closer to one, his torch shining brightly on its face, "Look at them. They're dying, losing their form. They must have been down here for centuries, starving."

"Losing their image?" Delilah questioned softly. Despite being so quiet, it echoed through the cavern.

The Doctor nodded at Delilah's question, "And their image is their power." The Doctor shot up from his crouched position, "Power." His eyes widened as he clicked his fingers and yelled, "Power!"

"Doctor?" Amy called.

"Don't you see?" the Doctor exclaimed his arms flailed about as he paced back and forth in front of everyone. "All that radiation spilling out the drive burn. The crash of the Byzantium wasn't an accident, it was a rescue mission for the Angels. We're in the middle of an army, and it's waking up."

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