♠️ Chapter Ten: The Star Whale ♠️

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We've reached 1k reads!!!! Thank you all so much! Thank you, Thank you! Now for all your efforts at staying with Delilah's journey I have updated another chapter as a thank you! It means so much to see how many people have taken the time to read Delilah's story! xx
A/N Delilah is wearing the same clothes described in Chapter Five

Delilah entered the tower with the Doctor's hand on her back, ensuring that she was before him. The tower was dark and cold, the atmosphere eery, it reminded Delilah of a villains secret lab. She treaded softly and slowly, making her way to a grating on the floor. It was large and circular; she could see the tentacles flailing about below. The Doctor peered over her shoulder, gazing at the same sight, a sombre expression on his face.

Amy stood next to the duo before bending down and leaning on the grating. She stared at the creature in horror.

Delilah leaned back into the Doctor, "where are we?" she whispered gently to him. This place made her nervous, something dreadful was hiding here.

"The lowest point of Starship UK," the Doctor responded, taking his hand off Delilah's back and patting her head, before walking off. He stopped in front of everyone and spun around to face them, arms open, "The dungeon," he announced.

Hawthorne makes his presence known and walked towards his queen, "Ma'am."

"Hawthorne," Liz addressed him, confusion in her voice and features, "So this is where you hid yourself away." She looked around once more before glaring at the man, "I think you've got some explaining to do."

The Doctor stood next to Hawthorne, "There's children down here," he commented making Delilah's eyes widen. She turned her gaze away from the creature and faced the Doctor. A line of children came out from the back and walked past them; their heads hung low. She couldn't help but stare at the children in worry and fear.

The Doctor ruffled one of the children's head as they walked past and continued to question Hawthorne, "What's all that about?"

"Protesters and citizens of limited value are fed to the beast. For some reason, it won't eat the children," Hawthorne explained nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders, "You're the first adults it's spared. You're very lucky."

Delilah gasped at the news, her hands covering her gaping mouth, tears pooled at the base of her eyes. They were trying to feed the children to this creature. She was disgusted and appalled at the behaviour of what mankind has come too. Her heart ached, she felt nauseous, "H..How.." she whispered to herself.

Amy saw her reaction and placed an arm over her shoulders. She knew Delilah cared deeply for children and seeing these men mistreat them, affected her greatly. Delilah was a mother at heart - a natural - Amy knew that. She would always take care of all the children at the orphanage.

"Yeah, look at us," the Doctor mocked Hawthorne, anger rising in his eyes, "Torture chamber of the Tower of London. Lucky, lucky, lucky."

He walked away from Hawthorne towards the centre of the room, "Except it's not a torture chamber, is it? Well, except it is. Except it isn't. Depends on your angle." He finished, leaning over the railing of a large whole in the floor, showing the opening of a brain. Giant electrodes were pointing from the ceiling to the brain of the creature.

Delilah and Amy followed, Mandy by their side, eyes widening in shock as they saw the brain. Liz was already by the Doctor leaning against the railing, her eyes narrowed at the brain, "What's that?"

The Doctor's tone dropped as he spoke rapidly, "Well, like I say, it depends on the angle. It's either the exposed pain centre of big fella's brain, being tortured relentlessly."

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