♠️ Chapter Thirteen: Dorabella ♠️

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I have updated a second chapter today as an apology for the late update of my previous chapter and to thank everyone!! Sweet Mae has reached 2k reads!! Thank you, Thank you all so much!! xx
A/N Delilah is wearing the clothes she wore in Chapter Eleven.

Flying from the earth's atmosphere and entering the stars in space were Spitfires, travelling in the direction of the Dalek ship. A pilot in the one of the Spitfires, used his radio to contact the Doctor, "Danny Boy to the Doctor. Come in. Over."


The Doctor gripped onto Delilah's hand, "Loud and clear, Danny Boy," he yelled, emphasising his name. The Doctor squeezed Delilah's hand as he pulled her towards him, weaving them both between the Daleks, "Big dish, side of the ship. Blow it up. Over."

The Daleks follow their movements, "Exterminate the Doctor," the white Dalek stated.

The Doctor hauled Delilah in front of him as they ran towards the Tardis, laser blasts were shooting over their heads.


In the map room Winston Churchill overheard the entire encounter, "You heard him, Group Captain," he declared as he turned to the Captain, "Target that dish. Send in all we've got."

The Captain grabbed the headset and spoke into the microphone, "Broadsword to Danny Boy. Target the dish and stop that signal. Over." He didn't need to wait long for a reply.

The pilot confirmed his order, "Understood, sir. You can count on us. Over."

Everyone was bustling with energy. Bracewell stared at the radar scanner, excitement and adrenaline running through his veins, a wide grin spread across his face. Amy stood close by and leaned down to the scanner, a similar expression on her face.

After several minutes the Captain received a response from the pilot, "We've lost Jubilee, sir. Over."

The Captain turned his gaze to the Prime Minister, a sombre expression over his features as he shook his head slightly, "Beam still active, sir."

"Send them in again," Churchill responded firmly.

It wasn't any hope, more and more pilots seemed to be going down, it was a losing fight against the beam. It seemed to be protected.


The Doctor and Delilah stood safely in the Tardis, he leaned against the console while she leaned against the railings behind him.

A incoming message erupted throughout the Tardis, "Danny Boy to the Doctor. Only me left now. Anything you can do, sir? Over."

The Doctor stood still, he didn't react immediately, his features were downcast.

He picked up the radio and spoke quickly, "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. I can disrupt the Dalek shields, but not for long. Over."

The pilot didn't hesitate to answer, "Good show, Doctor. Go to it. Over."

The Doctor snapped out of his gaze and quickly ran around the Tardis, "Mae, you might want to strap in for this one."

Delilah nodded and quickly ran over to the jump seat and settled in. Before she had the chance to put on her seatbelt, the Tardis buckled her in for her.

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