♠️ Chapter Twelve: Jammy Dodger ♠️

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A/N Delilah is wearing the same clothes as described in Chapter Eleven.


The Doctor stormed out of the map room, Delilah and Amy following promptly. The Doctor stalked into the laboratory room. The room had high ceilings compared to the others, support beams scattered throughout the room. Loose cables littered the ceilings and dragged along the walls onto the floor. A few tables were placed aimlessly in the room; papers, reports and tools were situated on the tables. Chalkboards were placed in corners, covered in formulae, equations, and mathematical models - crazier than the last.

He walked towards Bracewell, Who was hunched over at his desk, avoiding the Dalek in the room, "Alright, Prof. Now, the PM's been filling me in. Amazing things, these Ironsides of yours," he walked over to a desk and picked up a wrench, twirling it around in his hand. "Amazing. You must be very proud of them," the Doctor commented, placing the wrench on another desk, and searching through papers.

Delilah and Amy followed the Doctor's steps, curious gazes stared at the papers, fiddling through them.

Bracewell glanced over his shoulder at the Doctor, "Just doing my bit,' he responded humbly, continuing his work.

Amy picked up the wrench that the Doctor had placed down, "Not bad for a Paisley boy," she smirked at Bracewell.

The Doctor sat down in a chair next to the desk, dragging Delilah to sit on the arm. He fiddled with the papers in his hands, handing them to Delilah after reading.

Bracewell laughed and stopped working, fixing his gaze on Amy, "Yes, I thought I detected a familiar cadence, my dear." Amy smiled at him.

The Doctor quickly interjected, "How did you do it? Come up with the idea?" He focused solely on the papers in his hand. He was trying to search through the papers to prove that these 'Ironsides' were alien, but the astonishing thing was he had reports, blueprints, calculations. The Daleks must've given him the information, but why and how did Bracewell not know?

"How does the muse of invention come to anyone?" Bracewell responded ambiguously shrugging his shoulders.

The Doctors eyes raised at his comment. He placed all the papers with Delilah, who shifted slightly on the arm to put the papers on the desk behind her. As she turned back, Delilah lost balance and slipped into the Doctor's lap. Delilah let out a small squeak in surprise, her cheeks blaring a bright red as the Doctor shifted her to a more comfortable position and kept her secure with his hands around her waist. She shyly glanced at the Doctor, clearing her throat and spoke softly, "Sorry." She looked away sheepishly but didn't miss the smug grin on his face, causing her eyes to roll fondly at the man.

The Doctor kept the grin on his face as he turned to Bracewell who looked rather uncomfortable with the ordeal in front of him, but the Doctor simply ignored this. "But you get a lot of these clever notions, do you?" the Doctor questioned, his eyebrows raised in mockery.

"Well, ideas just seem to teem from my head. Wonderful things, like. Let me show you," Bracewell responded enthusiastically. He walked over to a desk, where his papers were scattered as the Doctor eyed his movements. He tapped Delilah gently signally her to get up which she promptly followed. The pair walked over to Bracewell and Amy. "musings on the potential of hypersonic flight," Bracewell smiled excitedly, he loved diving into the world of science.

The Doctor grabbed a few papers and stared at the numbers shocked, before placing it back down. "Gravity bubbles that can sustain life outside of the terrestrial atmosphere. Came to me in the bath," Bracewell added with a laugh.

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