♠️ Chapter Twenty-Two: Comfort ♠️

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Delilah Mae's outfit is as detailed in Chapter Fifteen


Delilah sat comfortably on a rock wrapped in a thick, bulky blanket that made her body frame look twice as large. The Doctor stood quietly nearby, his side facing her, constantly glancing in her direction. Amy sat fidgeting next to her wrapped in her own blanket. Delilah gazed ahead of her staring at the nuances of greys in the sky and the murky ocean ahead, the only colour present was the midnight blue from the Tardis. She could hear the echoes of birds screeching and waves crashing harshly on the rocks surface. Everything seemed normal.

"Ah," Amy moaned shifting her body weight and bumping shoulders with Delilah, "Bruised everywhere."

Delilah hummed in agreement, "I feel like dead weight."

The Doctor nodded his head, "Me too." He, much like the old man he was, stood feet slightly smaller than shoulder width apart, hands connected behind him resting on his lower back and shoulders slightly forward.

Amy gave him a dirty look, her eyebrows furrowed, and nose scrunched high, "You didn't have to climb out with your eyes shut." She tsked at him. "That was Lilah and I." Delilah absently nodded her head in agreement. "I mean Lilah's also the one that tripped on her own feet multiple times. I'm surprised if she has any toes left."

Delilah kept nodding until she realised what Amy had said. Her head snapped sideways to Amy's direction, "Hey!" she looked at Amy accusingly, "You're the one that made me trip half the time, particularly when you dropped the communicator. And besides," she lifted her feet off the ground and wiggled them, "I still have all my toes. Thank you very much." She grumbled lightly as Amy and the Doctor stared amusingly at her.

"Well. Neither did both of you," the Doctor interjected, his tone portraying the words obviously, "I kept saying. The Angels all fell into the Time Field. The Angel in both of your memory's never existed." His gaze turned to Delilah catching her baby browns that he missed so dearly, "It can't harm you now."

"Then why do we remember it at all?" Delilah asked the Doctor, her hand reaching out of the comfort of the blanket to put a stray hair behind her ear, "The Clerics on the ship didn't remember each other."

The Doctor smiled cheekily at the girls, "You're both time traveller's now ladies. It changes the way you see the universe, forever. Good, isn't it?"

Delilah smiled softly at the Doctor, she couldn't ever stop the look of adoration on her face, and neither could he. It always felt so natural, so comfortable and she was endlessly thankful.

Amy laughed gently at the Doctor's excitement before she quietened down. A stoic expression filling her features, "And the crack, is that gone too?"

"Yeah, for now," the Doctor commented wistfully, "But the explosion that caused it is still happening." He turned his gaze outwards to the ocean, "Somewhere out there, somewhere in time."

The Doctor placed his hand on Delilah's shoulder giving it a small squeeze before he walked over to the Clerics who had detained River. He stopped next to her, both facing outwards to the ocean.

"You, me, handcuffs," River brought her hands up to show the secured and electronic handcuffs trapping her wrists, "Must it always end this way?"

The Doctor smiled at River's antics, "What now?"

River shrugged, "The prison ship's in orbit. They'll beam me up any second. I might have done enough to earn a pardon this time. We'll see."

The Doctor slowly stalked forward a few steps, his feet haphazardly wandering. He turned around to face River and inhaled deeply, "Octavian said you killed a man."

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