♠️ Chapter Twenty-One: Time ♠️

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A/N Delilah Mae's outfit is as detailed in Chapter Fifteen


"It's like, I don't know," Marco stared at the bright light encasing the forest, "a curtain of energy, sort of shifting. Makes you feel weird. Sick."

"And you think it scared the Angels?" Amy spoke, her words soft and delicate.

Pedro, a fellow Cleric stood in front of Delilah, Amy, and Marco. He scoffed lightly, not believing the Angels were scared, "What could scare those things?"

Amy shifted her feet slightly, moving herself into the direction of the light. Delilah could feel Amy's movement, she stayed close shifting as Amy did. Their arms brushing against each other as each step was taken.

Marco eyed the girls curiously, "What are you doing?"

Delilah shrugged tugging the Doctor's jacket closer around her, she honestly didn't know, she was just following Amy.

Amy on the other hand knew exactly what she was doing, "Point me at the light."

Marco stared at the redhead in confusion, "You can't open your eyes."

"I can't open them for more than a second, that's what the Doctor said," Amy reasoned with Marco, "Still got a bit of countdown left."

"Ma'am. You can't."

"I need to see it," Amy snapped restlessly. She had to see it. She had to know if the crack was the same as it was on her bedroom wall. She had to. "Am I looking the right way?" Amy shifted her body slightly, Delilah following in tow. "I have to be quick."

Delilah listened to Amy but didn't interject. She had heard all about the crack in her bedroom wall and knew how important it was.

Marco sighed at Amy's persistence, "Very quick." He held her triceps and guided her into the direction of the light.

"Okay." She breathed deeply controlling her nerves. In. One. Two. Out. One. Two. Amy snapped her eyes opened and stared narrowly ahead. "It's the same shape," she whispered as she stared at the crack. The same w crack she saw all those years ago. "It's the crack in my wall," her voice echoed the forest in disbelief.

Delilah squeezed her hand to give her some comfort, "Come on Ames. Close your eyes."

Amy ignored Delilah's statement, "It's following me! How can it be following me?" Her eyes remained unblinking in fear. Her breaths became unsteady as she dropped to the floor, Delilah's knees buckling underneath her from Amy's sudden movements. She landed roughly on the floor, her knees digging into the wet forest floor. Delilah steadied herself and sat back against her heels.

Marco gripped Amy quickly glancing sideways to check on Delilah. He quickly placed his hand over her eyes.

"Are you okay? Miss Roux?" He addressed both girls.

Delilah nodded and smiled shyly in the direction of Marco's voice.

Amy squeezed Delilah's hand. "Yeah," Amy muttered, "It was the same shape."

"Marco," Pedro interjected, "you want me to get a closer look at that?"

Marco nodded at Pedro, "Go for it. Don't get too close."

"Hang on," Amy announced, "What about the other two? Why not just wait until they're back?"

"What other two?" Marco questioned her.

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